Healthy is not private property, but is the right of every person and all ages and begins in the family. If a person is alive and living in a healthy family, then that person will tend to apply the pattern sehatdan life will return to form healthy family. If one family member is sick, it will be difficult for the whole family. Than cure, let's start with preventing illness. Healthy living starts from the family!
Four Healthy Lifestyle
Based on the study published by the American Journal of Epidemiology, found four healthy behaviors that influence to prevent death, especially from heart disease. Research conducted in 6299 subjects aged 444-84 years showed that those who have a healthy life has a risk of death 80% lower than in those who do not have a healthy life.
Four healthy lifestyle is not smoking, eating a healthy diet with balanced nutrition, regular physical activity every day and maintain a healthy weight and healthy. The effects of these four healthy lifestyle affect each other. The more healthy habits that are applied in the family, then the sound effects are obtained higher.
If you already maintain a healthy diet and maintaining a healthy weight, then by physical activity then you will be healthier. However, smoking is one of the most important elements are the most dangerous. Because, even though you've done 3 other healthy behaviors, but you smoke then your health condition even worse than someone who does not perform healthy behaviors at all.
Healthy Habits in the Family
Application of healthy behavior should begin in the family. Here are 5 easy steps to have Healthy Families:
1. Get used to eating a healthy diet with balanced nutrition. Avoid and minimize foods with preservatives, dyes, and salinity and high cholesterol. Limit consumption of fast foods, instant food and canned food.
2. Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables. Set and get used to a healthy diet and regular. Avoid consumption of high-calorie snack between meals or at night before bed.
3. Set aside 30 minutes every 3 times a week for the entire family can play and physical activity, such as playing hide-and-seek, catch the ball, playing rope and other games that can be enjoyed by all family members and involve physical activity. At the very least, plan weekend activities are protected from passive activities and just sit in front of the television or computer.
4. Set aside a specific time to do homework together. Doing chores such as sweeping, mopping, cleaning the yard, is a physical activity which, if undertaken together can also produce a pleasant atmosphere and familiarizing family.
5. Do not smoke. If there are family members who were smoking, provide motivation and support for start stop smoking. Ask your doctor if you stop smoking aid deemed too difficult and require medical assistance.
We can not change the genetic code of the family who carry certain diseases or alter our age. However, we can start a healthy lifestyle today to reduce the risk of death due to diseases that can arise due to poor lifestyle. Healthy behavior is a choice of 100% in the control of a person and his family.
What about you and your family? Have you and your family a healthy life? You have the ability to determine the health status and quality of your life, starting today.
1. Michael O'Riordan. Four Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors Lower Risk of Death, Slow Progression of CAC. Heartwire. Medscape Reference. [Last Edited Jun 4, 2013; Cited Jun 7, 2013].
2. Roy Benaroch. Five Simple, Fun Ideas for Family Fitness. [Last Edited January 17, 2012; Cited Jun 7, 2013].