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Showing posts with label teeth. Show all posts

Patients can further Gums Impact on Heart Problems

Gum teeth photo

Do not underestimate the oral health, because one-one can cause other diseases that are not less terrible: the heart. Cardiovascular disease ranks high enough as a systemic disease associated with gum disease sufferers.

The possibility of increased risk of cardiovascular disease in people with gum disease are caused by germs, germs products or cytokines released from chronic lesions gums into the bloodstream. This process resulted in a systemic inflammatory response that resembles that found in the risk factors of cardiovascular disease.

In addition, a study conducted by the University of Florida found that the bacteria that cause gum disease is the same bacteria that encourage heart disease.

mouth bacteria photo

The study shows that oral bacteria are inserted into blood vessels of mice increases the risk of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a disease caused by hardening of fatty deposits on artery walls. It can disrupt the smooth flow of blood to the heart muscle and organs that can lead to heart attacks.

In the experiment, they injected four kinds of bacteria that commonly cause gum disease, such as Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema denticola, Tannerella forsythia, Fusobacterium nucleatum and. Once the bacteria are detected, the blood vessels of mice there was an increase in the level of cholesterol and inflammation are closely linked to heart disease.

Gum Disease and heart photo

Therefore, always keep your oral health by looking at the cleanliness and freshness. Do not forget to brush your teeth two times a day in the morning after breakfast and at night before bed. Brush your teeth the right way and using toothpaste. Gum Health containing Microgranules, where the fine granules capable of cleaning up to the teeth; and containing Zinc Citrate which is able to provide protection to the gums and teeth for up to 24 hours.

Most importantly, check your teeth two times a year even if no complaints are perceived

Some Tips Solution for toothache

Tips Solution for toothache photo

If you experience a sense of pain in the teeth after eating acidic foods, sweet, or hot or cold water to drink, it means you have sensitive teeth. Sensitive teeth are becoming a common problem experienced by many people.

Due to the sensitive teeth, eating and drinking so bad that arise sense of pain that are to pierce. Even in some conditions, a breath of the mouth can cause the sensation of pain.
But what causes this feeling pain?
Tooth ache or tooth sensitivity caused by the opening of dentin (the layer under the enamel) that stimulation of food and drinks can be directly entered through the dentinal tubules associated with tooth nerve fibers and cause a sense of pain.

You can avoid sensitive teeth and care for sensitive teeth and prevent further damage by doing the following tips:

Reduce and avoid foods and beverages that are acidic and contain soda.

Avoid the habit of withholding food and drinks are acidic linger in the mouth. Examples such as hold sodas and coffee in the mouth longer, suck-suck acidic fruits such as citrus and mango seed. This can lead to erosion of the teeth that trigger condition sensitive teeth. Get used to using a straw to minimize contact with the tooth surface acidic beverages.

Use a toothbrush with a small head, round and fluffy, brush teeth from the gums to the teeth with light pressure so as not to cause a decrease in the gums and sensitive teeth.

Stop bad habits ground his upper and lower teeth and if this disorder is getting worse and can not be controlled, can consult a doctor to be made occlusal splint used night when sleeping to protect the teeth from the friction of non-functional at night

Avoid brushing teeth immediately after eating or drinking something acidic and soft drinks, wait a half to 1 hour.

Use a special toothpaste for sensitive teeth, the content in this toothpaste such as hydroxyapatite (HAP), potassium citrate, sodium monofluorophospate can help reduce the sense of pain in 30 seconds and optimize the process of remineralization of the teeth.

Consult a dentist if the sense of pain in the tooth is still settling after use toothpaste to find whether the aching tooth or tooth sensitivity due to other causes more severe

Several Tips Easy Ways to Eliminate Plaque Teeth

Plaque Teeth photo

Healthy and white teeth will certainly make us more confidence when smiling and laughing. Unfortunately, daily activities - such as eating and drinking day, plaque on teeth can leave us even though we've brush.

Plaque or tartar commonly referred to as this is sticky to the teeth and of course it was laden with germs in it. If left too long, can damage the health of the teeth, and one of its effects is bad breath and cavities.

Plaque or tartar as it sometimes can make you become confident when interacting with others. But you do not worry, dental plaque can still be eliminated. Here below is how to easily remove tartar.

1. Brushing your teeth properly
The easy way to remove dental plaque is the first one with frequent brushing your teeth after every meal and before bed, and it had to be done right. Brushing your teeth properly can help you to remove plaque or tartar attached. Brush your teeth with a circular manner, not by brushing to the right and to the left as usual.

2. Using baking soda
The next easy way to remove plaque or tartar is to use baking soda. The trick is quite easy, you simply pour a few tablespoons of baking soda then dip the brush and wet. Then rub it on your teeth as usual.

3. Using a special toothpaste
You can use a special toothpaste to remove plaque or tartar that sticks to your teeth. Try when buying toothpaste first look at the packaging, choose a toothpaste that contains fluoride and tartar control. Both types of content are shown to effectively remove plaque or tartar.

4. Eat apples and lemon
An easy way to remove plaque or tartar is to eat apples and lemons. Natural fiber content in both these pieces will trigger the production of excess salivation very useful to remove plaque or tartar.

Plaque Teeth photo

That's Some Tips on how to easily remove plaque or tartar. For best results, a good idea to always clean your teeth with a brush after every meal and before bed.

Hope it is useful.

Tips on How to Easily Eliminate or Coral Dental Plaque

Healthy and white teeth will certainly make us more confidence when smiling and laughing. Unfortunately, daily activities - such as eating and drinking day, plaque on teeth can leave us even though we've brush.

Plaque or tartar commonly referred to as this is sticky to the teeth and of course it was laden with germs in it. If left too long, can damage the health of the teeth, and one of its effects is bad breath and cavities.

Plaque or tartar as it sometimes can make you become confident when interacting with others. But you do not worry, dental plaque can still be eliminated. Here below is how to easily remove tartar.

1. Brushing your teeth properly
The easy way to remove dental plaque is the first one with frequent brushing your teeth after every meal and before bed, and it had to be done right. Brushing your teeth properly can help you to remove plaque or tartar attached. Brush your teeth with a circular manner, not by brushing to the right and to the left as usual.

2. Using baking soda
The next easy way to remove plaque or tartar is to use baking soda. The trick is quite easy, you simply pour a few tablespoons of baking soda then dip the brush and wet. Then rub it on your teeth as usual.

3. Using a special toothpaste
You can use a special toothpaste to remove plaque or tartar that sticks to your teeth. Try when buying toothpaste first look at the packaging, choose a toothpaste that contains fluoride and tartar control. Both types of content are shown to effectively remove plaque or tartar.

4. Eat apples and lemon
An easy way to remove plaque or tartar is to eat apples and lemons. Natural fiber content in both these pieces will trigger the production of excess salivation very useful to remove plaque or tartar.

That's 4 easy ways to remove plaque or tartar. For best results, a good idea to always clean your teeth with a brush after every meal and before bed. Hope it is useful.

Tips on How to Maintain Healthy Gums Stay

In addition to dental health, do not underestimate the health of the gums. Gums is home to the teeth. Thus dental health begins with healthy gums. The problem is, many do not know it. In fact, many people complain about sore gums.

Gum disease begins with plaque which is a collection of leftovers, a product of bacteria and saliva. If not cleaned, plaque can cause gingivitis, or inflammation of the gums.

Symptoms, gums appear red, swollen and bleed while brushing. If gingivitis is left will become periodontitis where the infection will spread to the bone and tissues supporting the teeth. This periodontitis if left unchecked can lead to loss of bone supporting the teeth that can lead to tooth loss.

So how to keep gums healthy ?

1. Brushing your teeth properly. The trick is to brush your teeth vertical, ie from the direction of the gums to the teeth. Make sure the entire surface of the teeth brushed, do not rush usually takes 2-3 minutes and use moderate pressure while brushing.
2. Use a toothpaste that contains Zinc Citrate which serve to protect the mouth of bacteria and plaque for 24 hours and maintain healthy gums.
3. Make sure, you use toothpaste that contains vitamin E, an antioxidant that may protect against free radicals.
4. Diligent toothbrush at the right time and recommended by dentists that morning after breakfast and at night before bed.


Gum disease, also known by the general public as scurvy. It was not wearing a crash on the gums. Chewing and swallowing food becomes hard so are swallowed. Routine work can be disrupted when it experienced a problem with this gum.

Generally this disruption of the gums caused by poor oral hygiene is maintained. Plaque begins to accumulate between the teeth is left to thicken. Plaque on the teeth is the result of the formation of bacteria that cause odor.

Furthermore, this plaque can cause gingivitis (inflammation of the gums). Inflamed gums bleed easily. Notice when we accidentally brushing too strong. Similarly, when a bite of fruit or food that leaves blood on the food file.

People with diabetes need to take care of the gums more extras. People with diabetes are more susceptible to gum disease and should be more diligent in caring for the health of the gums. Gum tissue with diabetes are more at risk of infection because of impaired circulation of glucose in the body.

High levels of glucose in the saliva will encourage the growth of bacteria cause the gums disorders. That is why diabetics feel dry mouth, salivary flow is reduced and there is a burning mouth sensation.

Here are simple tips to take care of the gums, especially diabetics:
1. People with diabetes need more extra attention to dental hygiene.
2. Brushing your teeth properly at least twice a day, after breakfast in the morning and in the evening before bed.
3. Apply a healthy lifestyle such as not smoking, not drinking alcohol and foods that contain high levels of sugar.
4. Consuming enough nutritious food.
5. Lots of drinking water because it can accelerate all processes metabolism in the body.
6. Rinsing the mouth with an anti-septic to remove plaque or food particles stuck between the teeth.

Tips for Sensitive Teeth

Do you ever feel the aching tooth?
Or perhaps you always experience it every day? An aching tooth state events are found in everyday life in the community. 1 of 7 of the patients complained of aching teeth. (Data from: JITEKGI 2006.3 (1) 105-108. "Management of Dentin Hypersensitivity")

Tooth ache or tooth sensitivity which in medical language called dentin hypersensitivity experienced by adults, the coverage could only on one or more teeth. Factors that cause tooth sensitivity is the opening of dentin that stimulation of food and drinks can be directly entered through the dentin tubules associated with tooth nerve fibers and cause tooth sensitif.Rangsangan which often triggers sensitive teeth usually come from food and beverages cold, hot, sour and sweet, which can cause aching moment of pain intensity from mild to quite a stab of pain. Opening of dentin (the layer under the enamel) is caused by three factors erosion, attrition and abrasion, that all these 3 are influenced by diet, the use of teeth, bad habit of bruxism (bruxism is bad habits rubbing maxillary teeth with the lower jaw usually done at night during sleep unconsciously Red) and errors in tooth brushing.

Here are tips on caring for sensitive teeth and efforts to prevent further damage:

• Use special toothpaste for sensitive teeth, the content in this toothpaste such as hydroxyapatite (HAP), potassium citrate, sodium monofluorophospate can help reduce the sense of pain in 30 seconds and optimize the process of remineralization of the teeth.

• Reduce and avoid foods and beverages that are acidic and contain soda.

• Avoid food and drink habits withstand acidic linger in the mouth. Examples such as hold sodas and coffee in the mouth longer, suck-suck acidic fruits such as citrus and mango seed. This can lead to erosion of the teeth that trigger condition sensitive teeth.

• Use a toothbrush with a small head, round and fluffy, brush teeth from the gums to the teeth with light pressure so as not to cause a decrease in the gums and sensitive teeth.

• Stop the bad habits ground his upper and lower teeth and if this disorder is getting worse and can not be controlled, can consult a doctor for making a night guard to protect the teeth from the friction of non-functional at night

• Avoid brushing your teeth immediately after eating or drinking something acidic and soft drinks, wait a half to 1 hour.

• Consult a dentist if the sense of pain in the tooth is still settling after use toothpaste to find whether the aching tooth or tooth sensitivity due to other causes more severe

Dental Disease Symptoms Should Caution

Sometimes dental disease as enemies in a blanket. Without realizing it can appear and attack suddenly. In some circumstances, oral disease can occur without symptoms. Therefore it is advisable to regularly visit the dentist at least every six months for regular inspection and cleaning of the teeth.

Maintain oral health as well as a routine visit to the dentist every 6 months, very important. This is to prevent diseases that have grown to be more to detect it as early as possible. Make sure you use a toothpaste that contains Micro-granules, which can clean the tooth surface to between teeth that are difficult to reach and contains Zinc Citrate which has antibacterial properties that help maintain healthy gums up to 24 hours.

Here are some of the symptoms of gum disease that you should consider:

Beware of Dental Disease Symptoms!
Here are some of the symptoms of gum disease that you should consider:

• Bleeding gums
Bleeding gums can be a sign of inflammation of the gums or gingivitis, bleeding gums, but also can occur akibatluka or related to a specific disease. Bleeding gums are widely experienced by the general public is usually due to inflammation of the gums caused by plaque and tartar pile.

• Dental Shake
Bacteria are the main cause of gum disease. Dental plaque mixed with leftovers if not cleaned can harden into tartar, which tartar containing these bacteria can cause damage and gum disease that can lead to tooth rocking.

Causes of bad breath manifold and not only caused by food or hygiene oral cavity were not awake. Bad breath can be associated arising from several diseases, both network-related diseases in the oral cavity or disease in the body that require serious medical treatment, such as lung infections, sinus, or diabetes. Gum disease and cavities also contribute to bad breath problem.

If you have symptoms like these, immediately visit the dentist. Your dentist will diagnose the problem and will provide early handler.

Some Food & Beverage causes damage to teeth

A healthy lifestyle can not be separated from a healthy diet anyway. This situation directs people to choose food as a good intake to the body, but if they also pay attention to the intake of good for dental health or not.

1. Fruits acid
In fact, a healthy diet that is run by most people is the invitation menambahkanbuah fruit or juice. Fruits have a low pH or acidic. Ironically, this is the effect of acid on tooth decay is the outermost layer of the tooth (enamel) and then the teeth are set on edge and sensitive. Oranges, apples, grapes, strawberries and pineapple are some examples of fruits that have high acidity.

2. Coffee
Favorite drink in the morning has a fairly high acid levels. The amount of coffee consumed and how to consume a large enough effect influence on the risk of tooth decay.

3. Soft drinks, beer and wine
In addition to more notoriety than health benefits, soft drinks, beer and wine (wine) is a beverage that is known to have a fairly high acidity. Even if you are fond of this drink, try not to hold it in the mouth a moment before swallowing, especially those in soft drinks. Because then you extend the length of contact between the teeth danminuman soda, thus increasing the risk of tooth decay figure even higher.

4. pickles, pickled vegetables and fruit
Pickles and pickled food is delicious used as a complement. However, because it is precisely because of the high acidity levels and threaten the health of the teeth in a long exposure.

5. Yogurt
Although healthy and have many benefits for dental, yogurt has a higher acidity character.

In addition to the above types of food and drinks, there are also habits that increase the risk of tooth decay. Among others:
1. Eating and drinking before bed
2. Brush your teeth after eating and drinking
3. Sucking-suction fruit
4. Hold soda in the mouth

The solution in this matter does not mean we should not consume food and beverages. But of course there are things that must be considered such as intensity, amount and method for constrained consumption wisely.

Gingivitis can be Prevented In Children

When accompany your child to brush your teeth, if you see blood on the toothbrush? Be careful. She may be experiencing chronic marginal gingivitis or gum inflammation that often found in children. The symptoms are changes in color, size, consistency, and shape of the surface of the gums.

In general, chronic marginal gingivitis is caused by the buildup of plaque and bacteria on the teeth for a long time. If not cleaned, plaque will harden into tartar. The bacteria then multiply in plaque and begin to irritate the gums, known as the gingiva.

Patients with chronic marginal gingivitis rarely feel pain or pain that this has become the main reason of chronic gingivitis received less attention. When gingivitis is left, it can cause inflammation of the tissue around the worse.

To cope with gingivitis, teach your child to practice some of the following actions:

Diligent Brushing
Good brushing twice a day is the morning after meals and at night before bed. This will prevent gingivitis and keep the mouth healthy. Brush teeth from the gums to the teeth so that the area near the gum line or a meeting between the teeth and gums were attached plaque can also brushed

Visit to Dentist
Visit the dentist at least every six months to clean tartar and get the examination and thorough dental care.

Expand to eat fruit and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables can stimulate the production of saliva, which is useful because it has a self-cleansing effect on the plaque which is the major cause of gum disease.

To help maintain healthy gums, for children over 6 years old can use toothpaste that contains Zinc Citrate which serve to protect the mouth of bacteria and plaque for 24 hours and maintain healthy gums. Make sure, that you use toothpaste containing vitamin E, an antioxidant that may protect against free radicals.


Gingivitis - Gingivitis
Gingivitis is an inflammation ( inflammation ) of the gums .

Gingivitis is usually caused by poor oral hygiene , forming a plaque or tartar on the teeth adjacent to the edge of the gums . Plaque and tartar contains many bacteria that will cause infection in the gums . If not improved oral hygiene , gingivitis will worsen and develop into periodontitis .
Gingivitis is usually caused by poor oral hygiene , forming a plaque or tartar on the teeth adjacent to the edge of the gums . Plaque and tartar contains many bacteria that will cause infection in the gums . If not improved oral hygiene , gingivitis will worsen and develop into periodontitis .
But gingivitis can also be caused by systemic diseases . For example, in patients with leukemia and Wegner disease which tend to be more susceptible to gingivitis . In people with diabetes or HIV , a disturbance in the immune system (immune system ) led to a lack of the body's ability to fight off bacterial infection of the gums .

Hormonal changes during pregnancy , puberty , and steroid therapy also causes the gums more susceptible to bacterial infections . The use of drugs in patients with high blood pressure and post- organ transplantation can also suppress the immune system so that the infection of the gums more easily occur .

Symptoms and Signs
Gums appear swollen , red , tender , and bleed easily when brushing your teeth or use dental floss . Gingivitis can also cause bad breath ( halitosis ) .

Your dentist will perform checks on the gum or periodontal tissue by using an instrument called a periodontal probe . This tool is used to measure the depth of the sulcus gums ( which are V-shaped gap between the teeth and gums ) . Normal depth of gums sulcus ranged from 0-3 mm . Gingivitis or periodontitis will cause increased sulcus depth and form a pocket . The higher the degree of severity of the disease , the deeper pockets are formed . Periodontal probe can also be used in determining the severity of bleeding of the gums .

Cleaning of plaque and improvement of oral hygiene is a key element in addressing gingivitis . Do brush your teeth twice a day , in the morning after breakfast and at night before bed . Perform flossing once a day to clean plaque and food scraps in the crevice between teeth . In severe gingivitis usually requires the use of antibiotics , but of course it must be prescribed by a dentist . Perform regular visits to the dentist every 6 months for a check-up and cleaning around the teeth .

Oral Malignant Melanoma ( Malignant Tumor Mouth )

Malignant Melanoma actually rare in the oral cavity , only 1 % of all melanomas . However, the disease can be fatal . When had developed into an advanced , malignancy or malignancy can be life threatening . Therefore , early diagnosis and treatment is very helpful to prevent the disease course to a more severe level .

What actually Malignant Melanoma ?
Melanoma is a skin cancer , which occurs in the cells that produce pigment in the skin , yaitumelanosit . Under normal circumstances , melanocytes located in the outer layer of the skin and produce melanin, the brown pigment that . Melanocytes present in the highest amount on the skin . But melanoma can also occur in the oral cavity , called the Oral Melanoma .

Melanoma occurs when melanocytes divide uncontrollably and invade ( invade ) other tissues . Otherwise hastily treated , melanoma can grow into the skin tissue that eventually reach the blood vessels and lymph vessels , and spread throughout the body ( metastasis ) . It was then that melanoma can lead to death .

Symptoms and Signs
How do the characteristics of Oral Malignant Melanoma ?
Oral melanoma ( melanoma arising in the oral cavity ) can be seen as pigmentation , without symptoms or pain ( asymptomatic ) , the pigmentation is usually dark brown or black on the area of intraoral ( inside the mouth ) . Lesions usually appear solitary or unit , but multiple lesions have also been reported .

Examples of such cases are found and dealt with by Mustafa et al Goregen of Ataturk University , Turkey . Patients already wearing full maxillary denture for 20 years . Behind the replica teeth that arise rapidly enlarging lesions , solitary , and no pain .

The most common sites are the palate and the mucosa ( soft tissue ) in the upper jaw . Melanoma can metastasize to the lower jaw , tongue , and the inside of the cheek .

Care what to do ?
Oral Melanoma can be cured with surgery , and in certain cases can also be done with radiotherapy , chemotherapy , and immunotherapy . But of course, the success rate is higher when treatment is done at an early stage .
Thorough examination by a dermatologist or physician is helpful to check the existence of dental and oral melanoma melanoma early . Be aware of changes in your body and consult a physician .
Investigations what it takes to help the diagnosis ?

Diagnostic imaging technique such as X - Ray , CT - Scan , MRI and positron emission tomography ( PET scan ) may be performed to

It also needs a tissue biopsy , in which the suspected cancerous tissue removed for examination under a microscope . Once the diagnosis is established , necessary to determine the extent to which the melanoma had penetrated into the tissues .

Melanoma is more likely already in the blood vessels and lymph nodes . Therefore, it is also necessary to biopsy the lymph nodes adjacent to the lesion .

Oral Malignant Melanoma
( Malignant Tumor Mouth )

Melanoma character should be suspected when arising in the skin are :
o Asymmetry
The lesions are usually not symmetrical , in which one side is not the same size and shape than the other side . Another case that is not experiencing mole malignancy , usually round and symmetrical shape .
o Limit unclear / irregular
Lesions usually no clear boundary with the surrounding skin , or uneven edges .
o Color
Melanoma usually do not arise in one color , but rather a combination of several colors in several parts . For example, one side of bluish or brownish , blackish color on the other side .
o Diameter
Ordinary moles are not enlarged , but the size of the melanoma will continue to grow . The increase in size is usually rapid.

What are the causes of Oral Melanoma ?
Until now , the causes not yet known with certainty . But there are factors that are often associated with melanoma , which can occur in any part of the skin . Among these excessive sun exposure , or a history of frequent sunburn , especially in childhood began .

The risk of melanoma can also be inherited from parents . White people more at risk for this malignancy . So also people with many moles , totaling 50 more in the body , are more at risk of suffering from melanoma .

But melanoma also occurs in parts of the body that are not exposed to the sun such as the oral cavity . Oral melanomas are associated with mechanical trauma ( as reported in the above case ) . Mechanical trauma can be caused by ill-fitting dentures . It also reported an association between oral malignant melanoma with smoking , alcohol consumption and other irritation due to oral appliance . Benign moles can also transform into malignant ( malignant ) .

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