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Showing posts with label disease indications. Show all posts
Showing posts with label disease indications. Show all posts

Tingling Indicates you can suffer Some Diseases

Tingling Indicates Some Diseases photo

Tingling of this kind is a symptom of a serious disease. Diseases such as diabetes, the symptoms will be felt thick soles, sometimes hot, tingling in the fingertips constantly with pain such as tingling, especially at night before, when daylight is not numb, just very, very thirsty.

Diabetes, cholesterol and uric acid are brothers or blood disease bladder symptoms caused assuming the same, Tingling.

Diabetes is a disease due to excess sugar in the blood, in addition to tingling, the body also feels low energy. If it is severe, can affect to other diseases such as kidney disease, stroke and so on because of the performance of other organs have been damaged by the excess sugar in the blood of patients.

Some serious health disorder characterized tingling symptoms include:

1. Diabetes Mellitus (diabetes).

With symptoms of feet thick, sometimes hot, tingling in the fingertips constantly with pain such as tingling, especially at night.

2. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) with symptoms of tingling fingertips right hand, and then evolved into a bold flavor, when used on the move.
CTS can be a more serious disorder if left in place long enough, eg 1-2 years
3. Arthritis can also cause tingling and bold flavors.
This is due to pinched nerve joints. Tingling as rheumatoid arthritis will be lost when cured.

4. Infection spine tingling symptoms are preceded by a severe flu.

Tingling is felt to be intensified, up from toe to the navel (belly middle). The cause is a virus cytomegalovirus (CMV).

Some Symptoms of Heart Disease

Heart attach photo

Heart disease is one of the 'killer' most dangerous to humans. According to medical reports, a lot of those people have had not realized, if he is very vulnerable or being exposed to the symptoms of heart disease, until late.

Some of the symptoms of heart disease is sometimes overlooked, even looks like an ordinary disease. So that your knowledge of this disease is very necessary, because the appropriate action, could avoid death.

Especially for those who are above 50 years old, the higher the risk of this disease. Smoking, alcohol, eating a lot of fatty foods, and also lifestyle lack of exercise, could be the cause of the high risk of heart disease.

To that end, the following 13 signs that may indicate you are affected by heart disease, which we were reports of

1. If there is a burning sensation on the left chest, and very sick, then you need to beware. Especially if this pain comes on suddenly, immediately go to the doctor for consultation.

2. Dizziness seemed to see the light, although it was a normal heart rhythm.

3. One of the first signs of a heart attack is anxiety. Some people suffer from very intense anxiety, and feelings which can also cause fear of death.

4. If your cough is persistent and not for any other reason, such as a cold or smoke is better to consult a doctor, and do diagnosed because it could be a sign of a heart attack.

5. The person may lose appetite and did not even feel like eating anything. It is one of the signs of a heart attack in women.

6. Fatigue, this is especially noticeable in women. People may experience fatigue, at least a few weeks before the onset of a heart attack.

Symptoms of Heart Disease photo

7. Nausea can not be ruled out in people whose heart is weak. Vomiting can also occur. It is one of the symptoms of heart attack in women.

8. Sometimes your heart beating abnormally, and not have to worry about it, but if abnormal heart rhythms are combined with other symptoms such as dizziness, shortness of breath and weak, then we should suspect this condition.

9. If you feel pain in the abdomen, jaw, neck, elbow, arm and shoulder, it could be a sign of heart disease. Although the pain may not occur in all people.

10. Sweating is one of the symptoms of a heart attack. Although these people are not working hard or exercising. Even when you are comfortably seated in an air-conditioned room, if sweating occurs, you should be suspicious.

11. Although the majority of respiratory problems commonly associated with asthma, it can also occur in people who suffer a heart attack. People may find it very difficult to breathe, when a heart attack.

12. Some heart attack victims said that they could not even get out of bed before having a heart attack a few days. The body is experiencing weakness is one of the symptoms of a heart attack.

13. In some cases, a weak heart can lead to swelling due to fluid accumulation in the body system. Abdomen or legs may swell person, in such situations.

Similarly, some of the symptoms of heart disease that you should be aware. If there are one or two signs above, it would not hurt you rush to doter to get a full diagnosis.


Some medical conditions that can cause you to be tired

medical conditions of tired photo

You had enough sleep for 8 hours but still feel tired, be careful especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms such as:

• headache / dizziness spinning
• Eyes opaque
• Decrease or increase in body weight suddenly
• Agency or leg swelling
• Difficult CHAPTER
• Insomnia
• Depression

Here Some medical conditions that can cause you to be tired:

1. Celiac Disease
Is a medical condition due to food intolerance which your body becomes sensitive to gluten which is normally contained in breads, pastries and cereals. Besides being easily tired, symptoms of celiac disease include: diarrhea, anemia and weight loss.

2. Anemia
One of the most common medical conditions resulting easily tired body is iron deficiency anemia. It usually affects women who are pregnant or menstruating much. Usually people suffering from iron deficiency anemia, without doing anything will feel easily tired and heavy on the muscles.

3. Chronic fatigue syndrome
Chronic fatigue syndrome or myalgia encephalomyelitis is a condition often easily tired and badly that lasts for at least 6 months. Usually accompanied by other symptoms such as sore throat, muscle and joint pain and headache.

4. Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a condition where there is a narrowing of the throat and closes during sleep and interfere with breathing that can cause snoring / snore and decreased levels of oxygen in the blood. This can cause you to easily wake up and feel tired the next day.

5. underactive thyroid
Low thyroid hormone levels in the body can cause you to be tired, weight gain and muscle pain.

6. Diabetes
One of the main symptoms of diabetes are caused by high blood sugar levels are easily tired. Other symptoms include frequent urination, thirst and easy weight loss.

7. glandular fever
Glandular fever is a viral infection that often causes symptoms of tiredness, fever, sore throat and swollen glands. This disease often affects adolescents and young adults.

8. Depression
In addition to making you feel deeply sad, depression also can drain your energy, difficulty sleeping and feel tired the next day.

9. Restless legs syndrome
Restless legs syndrome causes you to feel uncomfortable sensations in the legs, difficulty to prevent involuntary movement in your legs or your legs move by themselves at night.

10. Disorders anxiety
Feeling anxious or worried occasionally is normal. But in some people, this happens constantly, feel anxious, nervous or anxious without any apparent reason. This will interfere with daily activities and cause you to become easily tired.

(various sources)

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New Hypothesis Spreader Ebola outbreak

Ebola is a plague that haunts the world, especially West Africa. Recent data owned by the World Health Organization, WHO, said that 7,700 people had died recorded more than 20,000 cases. The big question, how the beginning of the deadly virus spread?

Reporting from National Geographic on Saturday (01/03/2015), Ebola was first discovered in Southeast Guinea in December 2013 ago.

In March 2014, when the Ebola began to spread, Fabian Leendertz of the Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, formed a multidisciplinary research team from the disciplines of ecology, veterinarians and anthropologists to examine the beginning of the spread of Ebola.

The research team then examined the first large animals such as monkeys and chimpanzees. From the research, it is known that some large animals there are also some died from Ebola.

This suggests that Ebola may not spread to humans through animals, but of something else and directly to humans.

The team then focused research in a village called Méliandou, Guinea. In the village was the beginning of this virus originated.

A boy, Emile Ouamouno, was the first victim died of this virus. After Emile died, respectively mother, sister and grandmother died.

The absence of adult men who died in the first wave of Ebola outbreak showed that wild animals are usually hunted not the Ebola virus intermediaries.

For 8 days in Méliandou, a team led by the Leendertz collect data in the form of the testimony of local people, including mengupulkan data about fruit bats, which is quite a lot of the population.

From the data it appears dikumppulkan new hypothesis, that intermediary Ebola virus is a fruit bat. Hypothesis, humans exposed to Ebola after eating the fruit that has been bitten by bats.

Nevertheless, this hypothesis is not strong enough given the fruit bats do not live near human settlements.

However, another hypothesis arises because there is a small bat perched on the roof of a house or a tree hole and do not belong to the species of fruit bat. These bats eat fruit but do not eat insects. Residents call lolibelo.

From interviews with local people, known to many children there who make lolibelo as game animals for baking.

In fact, in the village there is one tree hole is a favorite of children in play and bake lolibelo hunted them.

Research was finally reached on the most recent hypothesis, namely bats lolibelo who mediates the Ebola virus. Nevertheless, this hypothesis is still verifiable until today, until researchers really know the relationship between the Ebola virus with lolibelo.

Sex Infectious Diseases Syphilis

Syphilis is a bacterial infection that can spread throughout the body. Not only infect the genital area, a disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum is highly contagious through direct sexual contact vaginal, oral and anal sex. Even syphilis can also be transmitted from mouth to mouth kissing with previous patients.

There will be about 3 weeks to 6 months after having sex / sex, generally characterized by:
Arise bumps and sores around the genitals
The wound looks like a hole in the skin with a higher edge. In general, do not hurt.
In a few weeks the wound will be lost, but it is the bacteria will remain in the body and the disease can appear in the form of blisters on the entire body blisters will disappear as well, and the virus will invade other body parts.
Sometimes accompanied by dizziness and bone pain, flu-like symptoms
Appear reddish spots on the body around 6-12 weeks after intercourse / sex

impact Syphilis
If left untreated and treated, it can lead to long-term:
During the first 2-3 years of this disease do not show any symptoms, after 5-10 years of this disease will attack the nervous system of the brain, blood vessels and heart
In pregnant women, the disease can be transmitted to the baby that resulted in damage to the skin, liver, spleen, and even mental retardation.

Syphilis has several stages spread of infection in the human body:

Phase I (Primary syphilis)
Occurs 9-10 days after infection arises that is not painful sores on the penis, genital lips or cervix

Phase II (Secondary Syphilis)
Occurred a few months after the first stage symptoms such as skin disorders are not itchy red spots, especially on the palms of the hands and feet. There enlarged lymph nodes throughout the body. It could also be warts around the genitals and anus

Phase III (Latent Syphilis)
No complaints or symptoms, but the infection continued to attack tools or other body parts. This condition 
can only be seen through a special blood tests syphilis

Phase IV (Tertiary Syphilis)
Arising 5-30 years after syphilis stage II. There is damage to the vital organs are settled in the brain, heart and blood vessels, nerves and spinal cord. In infants and children will lead to: - facial deformity - Bone Disorders - Blindness, deafness - Deformities distinctive teeth - skin disorders - can even lead to babies born to die

treatment of Syphilis
Antibiotics can be used as a treatment if it can be detected early. However, treatment can not restore the damage caused by this disease. Consult a doctor immediately to a specialist if the complaint continues.
Avoid sexual contact with a person who is not a partner is the best thing to prevent this disease. Because the best treatment for syphilis is preventing syphilis itself.

Sex Infectious Diseases gonorrhoeae

Gonorrhoeae or gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae which is generally transmitted through sexual intercourse, but also direct contact with infective exudate. This disease has a high incidence compared to other sexually transmitted diseases. Although the incidence of this disease has been declining since the 1970s, but nearly 800,000 new cases are found each year in the US. The world's estimated 200 million new cases each year. The disease is more often give teens and young adults, and is more common in men than women.

Gonorrhea is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. These bacteria can be transmitted to others through sexual contact with an infected person. This disease can also be transmitted from a mother to her baby during childbirth. We would not be infected with gonorrhea from shared use of towels or use a public restroom.

The incubation period is very short gonorrhea in men is usually between 2-5 days, sometimes longer. In women incubation period is difficult to determine because generally does not cause symptoms.

In men, initially there is itching and heat around the urethra, the channel that transports urine from the bladder to outside the body. Furthermore, there is pain during urination and cloudy viscous secretions out of the tip of the urethra which is sometimes accompanied by blood. When the infection is getting up, the pain will be growing and increasingly viscous secretions and murky. In addition there is pain at the time of erection and sometimes there are enlarged lymph nodes in the groin.

In women, symptoms, if any, can be so mild that people do not realize it. As many as 30% -60% of women with gonorrhea do not give gejala.Gejala that arise can be pain during urination, urination becomes more frequent, and sometimes cause pain in the lower pelvis. In addition, there is a thick and cloudy discharge that comes out of the vagina.

When you realize having symptoms as above, or have a sexual partner with the above symptoms, you should see a doctor. The doctor will perform examinations, such as taking secretions from the vagina or penis to be analyzed. Antibiotics are the treatment for gonorrhea. Sexual partners should also be examined and treated as soon as possible if diagnosed with gonorrhea. This applies to sexual partners in the last 2 months, or sexual partner during the last 2 months if there is no sexual activity. Many antibiotics are safe and effective for treating gonorrhea, eradicate N.gonorrhoeae, stop the chain of transmission, reduce symptoms, and reduce the possibility of sequelae. The main choice is penicillin + probenecid.

Antibiotics that can be used for the treatment of gonorrhea, among others:

Amoxicillin 2 g + probenecid 1 g, orally
Ampicillin 2-3 g + probenecid 1 g. peroral
Azithromycin 2 g, orally
Cefotaxime 500 mg, injection Intra Muscular
Ciprofloxacin 500 mg, orally
Ofloxacin 400 mg, orally
Spectinomisin 2 grams, injections Intra Muscular
These drugs are given in a single dose.

To prevent transmission of gonorrhea, use of condoms in sexual intercourse. If suffering from gonorrhea, avoid sexual contact until the antibiotic treatment is finished. Although it has been exposed to gonorrhea, one can hit back, because there will be formed immunity to gonorrhea. Suggest also our sexual partners to be checked to prevent further infection and prevent transmission. Moreover, it also suggests the prostitutes to always check themselves regularly, so if the infection can be treated properly immediately.

Swollen feet, following disease indications

Have you ever complained leg is swollen? Both feet became enlarged and the skin looks tense. Leg swelling due to fluid filled known as 'edema'. Edema can be caused by various diseases. 

Any disease that causes this condition ?

1. Heart failure
Heart failure is a common disease. This disease can be caused by various factors such as: high blood pressure, diabetes, or a high fat content. People with heart failure will complain of shortness of breath, tired and swollen feet. Feet will feel puffy, especially after a long long time. Patients with heart failure will also complain of feeling tired quickly. Activities that should not be exhausting, will be hard for people with heart failure.

2. Cirrhosis of the liver
Cirrhosis of the liver is a term that describes the presence of liver stiffness. In case of liver cirrhosis, liver composition changed and become more connective tissue. This situation causes the liver can not perform its function properly. One of the signs that accompany the state of cirrhosis of the liver is the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, called ascites. The patient will complain of stomach was enlarged and tense. In case of further, fluid seepage will spread to other parts of the body, such as the legs.

3. Kidney Disorders
Kidney is the organ that serves to maintain the body's fluid balance. If the kidney is impaired, the body fluids will also be impaired. One cause swelling complaint is nephrotic syndrome. In this situation, the patient will spend large amounts of protein through the urine. Protein body will decrease and cause the fluid out of the blood vessels. Swelling of nephrotic syndrome are usually quite heavy and involve one body.

4. Infection Filariasis
It turns out that worms can also cause swelling complaints. This complaint occurs when worms clog the lymph vessels. They lead to blockage of lymph flow and cause disruption. Disturbed lymph flow will cause the blood flow stacked and legs became swollen.
In addition to the above diseases, there are a variety of other possible causes of edema. Therefore, swelling of the legs need to be examined carefully to determine the exact cause of edema.

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