Your home should be vigilant in maintaining health problems. Having a pet can be a source of pleasure for some people. Start of care as a baby, see it grow, to observe any funny behavior made. Yes, like having a child.
However, for those of you who like to keep animals, must be careful. The reason, some animals are kept as pets potentially transmit several diseases that threaten health.
Here's his review by page Everyday Health.
Ringworm is a fungus that is attached to the surface of the skin that causes a red rash and itch in human skin. This fungus is usually taken newborn animals. The spread of this disease is very easy.
Just by touching or holding equipment infected animals, you can already exposed to ringworm. The most appropriate thing is to prevent ringworm is to wash hands thoroughly, after interacting with pets. In addition, keep the cattle out of reach of children so that the child is also protected from the disease.
Some pets such as cats and dogs newborn, the average has worms in his stomach. The worms can proliferate and leave the eggs in the belly of the animal and can be attached to the feces. If dirt or sand bath pets are not deliberately held in check, the worm eggs can fit into your stomach and multiply in it. Really dangerous.
respiratory disorders
For a furry pet, which can ditumbulkan disease is respiratory distress. Especially on you who have fur allergies, the disease gets worse. These symptoms are usually marked shortness of breath after having contact with the animals, which was accompanied by sneezing, and itching all over the body.
This syndrome is one of the reasons women are reluctant to keep the cat. Because, this syndrome can lead to a barren woman. The spread of the disease can occur through cat feces, or contaminated sand bath.
Besides being able to interfere with the fertility of women, this syndrome is also dangerous for pregnant women and the fetus in the womb. For those of you who are still cats, prevention can be done by giving vaccinations in cats, as well as to keep the body and cage pet cat.
source: everydayhealth.com