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Showing posts with label insomnia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label insomnia. Show all posts

Some of these Android apps for Insomniacs

Android apps for Insomniacs Tips photo

Adequate sleep at night after doing a variety of activities exhausting certainly be a dream every person. Unfortunately, often sleep becomes very difficult for some people due to the attack of insomnia.
Well, if you become one of those who experienced the same problem, now your Android smartphone could be the remedy. Apparently, Google Play provides a variety of applications that can help us to quickly sleep.

Any applications insomnia remedy that can be obtained for free in the Google Play Store? Here's his review.

1. Relax Melodies
This app offers 52 simple song nan sweep that can help you sleep. How to use it is quite easy, you just choose a song to suit your tastes and create a play list of anti-insomnia.
To be able to get up on time, available features and timing alarm is easy to use.

2. Nature Sounds Relax and Sleep
If you have severe insomnia and make your fatigue and stress, one application of this is the right solution. Therefore, Nature Sounds Relax and Sleep offers the sounds of nature and soothing waves.
You also can find more soothing voice, for example oceans, forests, birds, and many more. In fact, the music provided can be used to lull it to sleep toddler.

3. Relax and Sleep
Application of anti-insomnia this one is pretty unique. How not, this application offers a way of self-hypnosis therapy at the same time so that users can more quickly asleep.
Various music provided by this application can also help you fall asleep more easily and get to sleep 'favors'.

4. Sleepmaker Rain
Whether you are asleep faster when it was raining? Well, this one application could be the answer to your insomnia.
Sleepmaker Rain offers about 20s music that represents the sound of rain. Start up sound drizzle rather dense can you listen here. There was the sound of rain was recorded directly from native forests in the area of Australia.

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Some Drug Causes Potentially Insomia

INSOMNIA is habit can not sleep at night. This can be annoying because during the night, which should be used unwind to rest, not used as they should be. Insomnia can be caused by many factors.

The intake of certain drugs also associated with insomnia, and it is often not realized. There are several types of drugs are usually prescribed by doctors but have side effects that make your sleeplessness or insomnia.

Some Drug Causes Potentially Insomia

1. Corticosteroids

These drugs are commonly prescribed to overcome allergic reactions, inflammation, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis. However, this type of drug side effects affecting the adrenal glands. This causes you to have difficulty sleeping and making a nuisance of relaxation.

2. Cholinesterase inhibitors

For people with Alzheimer's or other types of dementia, the doctor will usually prescribe this class of drugs to cope with memory disorders and mood fluctuations. Drugs known as cholinesterase inhibitors can regulate enzyme breaker neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which in turn will increase alertness and memory function. However, with increasing awareness, the more it will inhibit drowsiness.

3. Glucosamine & Kondroition

These types of supplements are useful in relieving pain and inflammation and to improve joint function. Many clinical studies prove that supplements of this type are safe for consumption. Nevertheless, the advantages of these substances can cause insomnia.

4. Statins

Drugs of statins has been a mainstay for addressing high cholesterol levels. Ability to lower the risk of coronary heart disease has been proven. In addition to acceptable body well, statins also rarely cause hepatic toxicity and myopathy. However, in certain conditions, these drugs can also cause muscle pain. This will affect the ability of the body to rest myself.

5. Alpha-blockers

This type of drug used to treat enlargement of the prostate gland, Raynaud's disease and high blood pressure drug is going to increase blood flow and urine (urine) and can make the muscles become relaxed. Some of the drugs known as alpha-blockersering associated with a decrease in REM sleep phase (phase of sleep is important when sleeping at night).

How to overcome insomnia

can't sleep photo

Various kinds of things that happen in human beings is what the toxicity of their lifestyle. Various diseases and other things that happen to a person too often originated from keselahan patterns and lifestyles. With an unhealthy lifestyle, the various diseases would easily happen to a person.

Bad habits such as smoking and drinking, for example. It is a habit that causes addiction, and it is very difficult to be abandoned because it is one bad habit that is very unhealthy impact on human beings and for others as well.

But apart from that there were also bad habits that are not harmful to health, but in the matter of course, still be an impact also on human health associated with human nature which will be formed from it. One ability that often and widely experienced by a person is sleeping habits laru night, it menyebkan insomnia. The impact of this can also lead to changes in the nature and behavior of a person becomes not good. One thing that is emerging from this habit is lazy and sleepy during the day.

The habit of sleeping too late without any productive things that can provide a positive impact for a person is to be immediately shunned and abandoned. However if sleep late utilized as one of opportunity where you can do positive activities like chasing a target of your work so quickly resolved then it is of course staying up you have a positive impact. But once again we must also balanced with enough sleep schedule without harming your time during the day where one must take action productive, good work, do business and other things.

In connection with the habit of sleeping too late then here are some solutions to overcome these problems so that you can change your lifestyle to be more healthy, but with a note you must have the intention and maksut really want to eliminate the habit. Here are tips:

Avoid napping
Perform routine exercise in the morning and afternoon
Do not consume liquor or drug supplements supplements
Many actions of productive during the day.
Avoid drinking coffee too often, at least once during the day.
Determine the right time to start your sleeping habits quickly (eg 22:00 pm)
At the time that you specify is get yourself to not perform any activity other than being in bed.
Do not imagine the time of going to sleep.

So a few things you can do to change the habit of sleeping late. To change your habits that then do it over into your new habit. Because the process you travel causing late sleeping habits is a long process, then rutinlah do  tips above.

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