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Some Drug Causes Potentially Insomia

INSOMNIA is habit can not sleep at night. This can be annoying because during the night, which should be used unwind to rest, not used as they should be. Insomnia can be caused by many factors.

The intake of certain drugs also associated with insomnia, and it is often not realized. There are several types of drugs are usually prescribed by doctors but have side effects that make your sleeplessness or insomnia.

Some Drug Causes Potentially Insomia

1. Corticosteroids

These drugs are commonly prescribed to overcome allergic reactions, inflammation, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis. However, this type of drug side effects affecting the adrenal glands. This causes you to have difficulty sleeping and making a nuisance of relaxation.

2. Cholinesterase inhibitors

For people with Alzheimer's or other types of dementia, the doctor will usually prescribe this class of drugs to cope with memory disorders and mood fluctuations. Drugs known as cholinesterase inhibitors can regulate enzyme breaker neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which in turn will increase alertness and memory function. However, with increasing awareness, the more it will inhibit drowsiness.

3. Glucosamine & Kondroition

These types of supplements are useful in relieving pain and inflammation and to improve joint function. Many clinical studies prove that supplements of this type are safe for consumption. Nevertheless, the advantages of these substances can cause insomnia.

4. Statins

Drugs of statins has been a mainstay for addressing high cholesterol levels. Ability to lower the risk of coronary heart disease has been proven. In addition to acceptable body well, statins also rarely cause hepatic toxicity and myopathy. However, in certain conditions, these drugs can also cause muscle pain. This will affect the ability of the body to rest myself.

5. Alpha-blockers

This type of drug used to treat enlargement of the prostate gland, Raynaud's disease and high blood pressure drug is going to increase blood flow and urine (urine) and can make the muscles become relaxed. Some of the drugs known as alpha-blockersering associated with a decrease in REM sleep phase (phase of sleep is important when sleeping at night).

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