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Showing posts with label Mouth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mouth. Show all posts

Tips on How to Maintain Healthy Gums Stay

In addition to dental health, do not underestimate the health of the gums. Gums is home to the teeth. Thus dental health begins with healthy gums. The problem is, many do not know it. In fact, many people complain about sore gums.

Gum disease begins with plaque which is a collection of leftovers, a product of bacteria and saliva. If not cleaned, plaque can cause gingivitis, or inflammation of the gums.

Symptoms, gums appear red, swollen and bleed while brushing. If gingivitis is left will become periodontitis where the infection will spread to the bone and tissues supporting the teeth. This periodontitis if left unchecked can lead to loss of bone supporting the teeth that can lead to tooth loss.

So how to keep gums healthy ?

1. Brushing your teeth properly. The trick is to brush your teeth vertical, ie from the direction of the gums to the teeth. Make sure the entire surface of the teeth brushed, do not rush usually takes 2-3 minutes and use moderate pressure while brushing.
2. Use a toothpaste that contains Zinc Citrate which serve to protect the mouth of bacteria and plaque for 24 hours and maintain healthy gums.
3. Make sure, you use toothpaste that contains vitamin E, an antioxidant that may protect against free radicals.
4. Diligent toothbrush at the right time and recommended by dentists that morning after breakfast and at night before bed.

Causes and How to Eliminate Bad Breath

Bad Breath disease is one of the most disliked by most people. Because of this bad breath affects one's confidence to be reduced. That is why the smell of the mouth should be addressed immediately. Actually, what was it that led to the smell of the mouth?

Here there are three causes that lead to odor in the mouth, namely:

1. Connect to the teeth and gums
The mouth is the organ that is part of our face, her air out during the talk and eat, which come with a wide range of odors emanating from these foods. Diseases of teeth, gums, tonsils and the chest cavity is considered as the most significant cause of the presence of the odor. If at any time a bloody tooth or teeth or something tucked in look swollen tonsils, then the bad odor that will grow stinging clear.
Negligent in maintaining oral hygiene and teeth will be because the breeding of germs and bacteria, then the rest of the food will ferment in the mouth, and out of it a bad odor. Likewise, bad breath in women will change during pregnancy and at delivery, and postpartum. It is caused by the female hormone that changes at that time and also the reluctance and lazy attitude that surrounds them, and not the desire to clean the teeth.
At the time of tooth about to fall out as a result of disease contained in the structure of the tooth is if the note will no pus coming out if the gums little pressed on the area contained between the teeth. From here out the smell starch / starch boil. Likewise, the smell will come out when the wisdom teeth grow, then an infection of the covering contour molars and down the food scraps gathered above and fermentation occurs. After the tooth germs in the mouth will gather on the clot in the teeth or molars that date, then remove the smell. At the time of damage to the jaw bone decay, there will be an infection of the textures contained in the roots of the teeth and will remove the pus and smells bad.

2. Derived from the disease in
Wound in the stomach secrete a bad odor in the form of gastric acid odor. For people who suffer from diseases of the intestines, at the time of constipation (constipation) out the bad odor from their mouths.
Similarly, when a person experiencing heart failure will come out too bad odor from the mouth like the smell of rotten apples. The people with diabetes, in the event of complications will smell this smell like the smell of acetone, he will come out of the mouth of the sick person in a particular situation.

3. COMES of diseases of the nose and throat
The nose is the organ which became the exit and entry of a breathing air at once anyway. The air that comes out of it will bring a wide range of bad odor. Nasal disease most often unpleasant odor is a chronic disease in the nose Athropia, then sinusitis and tumors that have been festering.
In the event of a chronic infection of the nasal cavity will come out drops of pus from the nasal cavity and almost on the olfactory nerve. So in general, people who suffer from it will smell bad odor that can not be kissed by people who are nearby.

In patients with nasal membranes atrophied be slimy and it is not known why. Although it is mentioned that it is caused by a deficiency of vitamins such as vitamin A and D or iron deficiency or deficiencies in part hormones in women during adulthood, it will then appear symptoms such as nose feels dry with a weak sense of smell and peeling the outer layer of accompanied with bleeding nose. Although the nose can not smell very well but the odor generated from it is not pleasant.

If you experience will be something like the above, and bad breath that attack you, then you need not worry. Because no single disease that has no cure, but the disease forget. Similarly, with this bad breath. Here are some ways to get rid of the smell in the mouth.

1. Maintaining oral hygiene
Maintain oral hygiene is very important. Because the mouth is not cleaned, the possibility of odor in the mouth it will happen. Tips that we trehindar of bad breath is by way of brushing your teeth when bathing habits, after meals and at bedtime. By maintaining oral hygiene, the plaque on the teeth will be prevented.

2. Visiting the dentist
According to Chetan Kaher, dentist from London, dental exam can be a powerful way eliminate bad breath. Pergila to the dentist at least every 6 months to clean plaque and tartar. If the tartar is not addressed, it will cause cavities that may have an impact on the emergence of bad breath that will be difficult to overcome.

3. VERIFY nose and belly
It has been mentioned that another cause of bad breath is the scent odor from the nose and from the stomach. Therefore, the need for checks to ensure the health of the nose and stomach. And to overcome the smell of the stomach is usually the result of using antacids or other treatment.

4. Stone Tonsil
Tonsils are lumps of lymph tissue located in the back of the throat. The network is not smooth and round like a ball. If the number of bacteria and other microbes can accumulate to form tonsil stones (tonsilloliths). The stone is quite smelly and cause halitosis. Tonsil stones can be retrieved by using Waterpik. This tool will work with high-pressure water spray to the tonsils. But if the tonsils are already quite large and continues to accumulate, the tonsil stones need to be removed by surgery.

5. Improving diet
Foods like garlic and onions can cause bad breath. But the smell that appears not only because the rest of the food is left in the mouth. Garlic for example contain chemicals from food brought the blood into the cells and exhaled through the lungs. Blowing raises the unpleasant aroma.

Food and drinks are recommended for treating odors in the mouth of this include:

a. Eating fruits and vegetables
Saliva is a natural bacteria-killing human beings. By eating fruits and vegetables, it is able to increase the production of saliva. Type of fruit that is able to eliminate odors in the mouth that is apples and strawberries.

b. Avoid foods that are smelling
Try to avoid foods that smelling like a banana, durian, garlic, jengkol, and others. If you do like the food or hobby then it would be nice if you brush your teeth after eating them.

c. Eating cheese
You must be wondering, why cheeses made the choice to eliminate bad breath. The answer is that the medical world suggested that eating cheese multiply to eliminate bad breath. It turned out that the content of calcium, phosphate and carbohydrate useful in the fight against oral bacteria.

d. Using natural herbs
Using natural herbs such as cloves, anise and fennel seeds it can make your breath back into fresh. The trick is to eat by chewing your ingredients such as cloves, anise and fennel seeds it.

e. drinking tea
Drinking green tea or red tea it can also help eliminate odors in the mouth. This is due to the presence of antioxidant polyphenols similar to that can kill bacteria in the mouth.

f. Consuming plenty of water
Again water into alternative suggested eliminating a disease. Because it is the efficacy of the white water is immense. Similarly to deodorize this mouth. With lots of water consumed, for example 4-8 glasses a day, then God willing, this mouth odor will disappear.

g. Avoid sugary foods
Sweet foods is one of the causes of cavities which will result in odor in the mouth. Therefore, avoid foods containing sweet elements. If you like sweet things, so do not be too much to eat them.

h. Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption
Both of these have obviously a lot to give effect is not good for the body. One of them is causing the smell oada mouth. Therefore, avoid smoking and alcohol consumption. Even if you do like both of these things, it is recommended that you try to control myself not to consume two things.

That's a few ways to overcome your bad breath. Hopefully, this health information can help solve your health problems, particularly the problem of bad breath.

Malignant Tumor Mouth - Tumor


Oral Malignant Melanoma ( Malignant Tumor Mouth )

Malignant Melanoma actually rare in the oral cavity , only 1 % of all melanomas . However, the disease can be fatal . When had developed into an advanced , malignancy or malignancy can be life threatening . Therefore , early diagnosis and treatment is very helpful to prevent the disease course to a more severe level .

What actually Malignant Melanoma ?
Melanoma is a skin cancer , which occurs in the cells that produce pigment in the skin , yaitumelanosit . Under normal circumstances , melanocytes located in the outer layer of the skin and produce melanin, the brown pigment that . Melanocytes present in the highest amount on the skin . But melanoma can also occur in the oral cavity , called the Oral Melanoma .

Melanoma occurs when melanocytes divide uncontrollably and invade ( invade ) other tissues . Otherwise hastily treated , melanoma can grow into the skin tissue that eventually reach the blood vessels and lymph vessels , and spread throughout the body ( metastasis ) . It was then that melanoma can lead to death .

Symptoms and Signs
How do the characteristics of Oral Malignant Melanoma ?
Oral melanoma ( melanoma arising in the oral cavity ) can be seen as pigmentation , without symptoms or pain ( asymptomatic ) , the pigmentation is usually dark brown or black on the area of intraoral ( inside the mouth ) . Lesions usually appear solitary or unit , but multiple lesions have also been reported .

Examples of such cases are found and dealt with by Mustafa et al Goregen of Ataturk University , Turkey . Patients already wearing full maxillary denture for 20 years . Behind the replica teeth that arise rapidly enlarging lesions , solitary , and no pain .

The most common sites are the palate and the mucosa ( soft tissue ) in the upper jaw . Melanoma can metastasize to the lower jaw , tongue , and the inside of the cheek .

Care what to do ?
Oral Melanoma can be cured with surgery , and in certain cases can also be done with radiotherapy , chemotherapy , and immunotherapy . But of course, the success rate is higher when treatment is done at an early stage .
Thorough examination by a dermatologist or physician is helpful to check the existence of dental and oral melanoma melanoma early . Be aware of changes in your body and consult a physician .
Investigations what it takes to help the diagnosis ?

Diagnostic imaging technique such as X - Ray , CT - Scan , MRI and positron emission tomography ( PET scan ) may be performed to

It also needs a tissue biopsy , in which the suspected cancerous tissue removed for examination under a microscope . Once the diagnosis is established , necessary to determine the extent to which the melanoma had penetrated into the tissues .

Melanoma is more likely already in the blood vessels and lymph nodes . Therefore, it is also necessary to biopsy the lymph nodes adjacent to the lesion .



Gingivitis - Gingivitis
Gingivitis is an inflammation ( inflammation ) of the gums .

Gingivitis is usually caused by poor oral hygiene , forming a plaque or tartar on the teeth adjacent to the edge of the gums . Plaque and tartar contains many bacteria that will cause infection in the gums . If not improved oral hygiene , gingivitis will worsen and develop into periodontitis .
Gingivitis is usually caused by poor oral hygiene , forming a plaque or tartar on the teeth adjacent to the edge of the gums . Plaque and tartar contains many bacteria that will cause infection in the gums . If not improved oral hygiene , gingivitis will worsen and develop into periodontitis .
But gingivitis can also be caused by systemic diseases . For example, in patients with leukemia and Wegner disease which tend to be more susceptible to gingivitis . In people with diabetes or HIV , a disturbance in the immune system (immune system ) led to a lack of the body's ability to fight off bacterial infection of the gums .

Hormonal changes during pregnancy , puberty , and steroid therapy also causes the gums more susceptible to bacterial infections . The use of drugs in patients with high blood pressure and post- organ transplantation can also suppress the immune system so that the infection of the gums more easily occur .

Symptoms and Signs
Gums appear swollen , red , tender , and bleed easily when brushing your teeth or use dental floss . Gingivitis can also cause bad breath ( halitosis ) .

Your dentist will perform checks on the gum or periodontal tissue by using an instrument called a periodontal probe . This tool is used to measure the depth of the sulcus gums ( which are V-shaped gap between the teeth and gums ) . Normal depth of gums sulcus ranged from 0-3 mm . Gingivitis or periodontitis will cause increased sulcus depth and form a pocket . The higher the degree of severity of the disease , the deeper pockets are formed . Periodontal probe can also be used in determining the severity of bleeding of the gums .

Cleaning of plaque and improvement of oral hygiene is a key element in addressing gingivitis . Do brush your teeth twice a day , in the morning after breakfast and at night before bed . Perform flossing once a day to clean plaque and food scraps in the crevice between teeth . In severe gingivitis usually requires the use of antibiotics , but of course it must be prescribed by a dentist . Perform regular visits to the dentist every 6 months for a check-up and cleaning around the teeth .

Oral Malignant Melanoma ( Malignant Tumor Mouth )

Malignant Melanoma actually rare in the oral cavity , only 1 % of all melanomas . However, the disease can be fatal . When had developed into an advanced , malignancy or malignancy can be life threatening . Therefore , early diagnosis and treatment is very helpful to prevent the disease course to a more severe level .

What actually Malignant Melanoma ?
Melanoma is a skin cancer , which occurs in the cells that produce pigment in the skin , yaitumelanosit . Under normal circumstances , melanocytes located in the outer layer of the skin and produce melanin, the brown pigment that . Melanocytes present in the highest amount on the skin . But melanoma can also occur in the oral cavity , called the Oral Melanoma .

Melanoma occurs when melanocytes divide uncontrollably and invade ( invade ) other tissues . Otherwise hastily treated , melanoma can grow into the skin tissue that eventually reach the blood vessels and lymph vessels , and spread throughout the body ( metastasis ) . It was then that melanoma can lead to death .

Symptoms and Signs
How do the characteristics of Oral Malignant Melanoma ?
Oral melanoma ( melanoma arising in the oral cavity ) can be seen as pigmentation , without symptoms or pain ( asymptomatic ) , the pigmentation is usually dark brown or black on the area of intraoral ( inside the mouth ) . Lesions usually appear solitary or unit , but multiple lesions have also been reported .

Examples of such cases are found and dealt with by Mustafa et al Goregen of Ataturk University , Turkey . Patients already wearing full maxillary denture for 20 years . Behind the replica teeth that arise rapidly enlarging lesions , solitary , and no pain .

The most common sites are the palate and the mucosa ( soft tissue ) in the upper jaw . Melanoma can metastasize to the lower jaw , tongue , and the inside of the cheek .

Care what to do ?
Oral Melanoma can be cured with surgery , and in certain cases can also be done with radiotherapy , chemotherapy , and immunotherapy . But of course, the success rate is higher when treatment is done at an early stage .
Thorough examination by a dermatologist or physician is helpful to check the existence of dental and oral melanoma melanoma early . Be aware of changes in your body and consult a physician .
Investigations what it takes to help the diagnosis ?

Diagnostic imaging technique such as X - Ray , CT - Scan , MRI and positron emission tomography ( PET scan ) may be performed to

It also needs a tissue biopsy , in which the suspected cancerous tissue removed for examination under a microscope . Once the diagnosis is established , necessary to determine the extent to which the melanoma had penetrated into the tissues .

Melanoma is more likely already in the blood vessels and lymph nodes . Therefore, it is also necessary to biopsy the lymph nodes adjacent to the lesion .

Oral Malignant Melanoma
( Malignant Tumor Mouth )

Melanoma character should be suspected when arising in the skin are :
o Asymmetry
The lesions are usually not symmetrical , in which one side is not the same size and shape than the other side . Another case that is not experiencing mole malignancy , usually round and symmetrical shape .
o Limit unclear / irregular
Lesions usually no clear boundary with the surrounding skin , or uneven edges .
o Color
Melanoma usually do not arise in one color , but rather a combination of several colors in several parts . For example, one side of bluish or brownish , blackish color on the other side .
o Diameter
Ordinary moles are not enlarged , but the size of the melanoma will continue to grow . The increase in size is usually rapid.

What are the causes of Oral Melanoma ?
Until now , the causes not yet known with certainty . But there are factors that are often associated with melanoma , which can occur in any part of the skin . Among these excessive sun exposure , or a history of frequent sunburn , especially in childhood began .

The risk of melanoma can also be inherited from parents . White people more at risk for this malignancy . So also people with many moles , totaling 50 more in the body , are more at risk of suffering from melanoma .

But melanoma also occurs in parts of the body that are not exposed to the sun such as the oral cavity . Oral melanomas are associated with mechanical trauma ( as reported in the above case ) . Mechanical trauma can be caused by ill-fitting dentures . It also reported an association between oral malignant melanoma with smoking , alcohol consumption and other irritation due to oral appliance . Benign moles can also transform into malignant ( malignant ) .




What  is What  is oral cancer ?
Cancer of the oral cavity is a common designation of a malignant tumor that occurs in the oral cavity , including lip cancer , cancer of the gingiva , tongue cancer , cancer of the oral cavity palate , jaw cancer , cancer of the mouth , oropharyngeal cancer , salivary gland cancer , cancer of the maxillary sinus and cancer that occurs in the mucous membranes of the skin on the face .

How high incidence rates of oral cancer ?
Of all types of cancer , oral cavity cancer incidence rates occupy levels ~ 5.6 % 1:45 % of all malignant tumors , incidence rates were higher in men than women .

What are the factors that cause oral cancer ?
1 . Habit of smoking and alcohol consumption in the long term : most oral cancer patients have a history of smoking and drinking alcohol for a long time and oral cavity cancer patients who do not smoke and do not drink alcohol very slightly visible .
2 . Condition less oral hygiene : oral hygiene habits are lacking , creating the conditions for the growth of bacteria or fungi flourish in the oral cavity , thus simplifying the formation of nitrosamines .
3 . Stimulation foreign matter in the long run : the root of the tooth or teeth are pointy end , dentures that do not fit in stimulating the mucous membranes of the oral cavity for a long time , causing chronic injury and occurs canceration .
4 . Nutrition is not good : such as lack of Vitamin A1 and Vitamin B2 and elements Zinc , Arsenic , all of which can increase the body's sensitivity to carcinogens , thus causing oral cancer .
5 . Mucosa leukoplakia and erythema : Oral Mucosal erythema and proliferation of leukoplakia is often a symptom of precancerous lesions .
6 . Ultraviolet ( UV ) : tepapar outdoor workers directly in the sun for a long time , the incidence rate of oral cancer is higher .
7 . Ionizing radiation : Ionizing radiation can cause changes in the genetic material

DNA , activating genes causing tumor canceration .
Eighth . Another factor : chronic hepatitis , liver cirrhosis , viral infections and other diseases that cause decreased immunity levels are also associated with cancer of the oral cavity .

What are the symptoms of oral cancer are suspect?
1 . Discoloration : If the oral cavity changes color to white , brown or black , mean epidermal cell mucosal changes . Especially the oral mucosa turned into a rough , thickened or become scleroma , arise oral mucosa leukoplakia , erythema , very likely an canceration .
2 . Wounds that do not heal : Process sores in the oral cavity is generally not more than two weeks , when there burning, pain in excess of two weeks and not getting better , need to be aware of the possibility of cancer of the oral cavity .
3 . Obvious pain : In the early stages there is no pain or just feel abnormal friction in one piece , after ulcerate obvious pain , along with further tumor infasi to the nerve , causing pain in ears and throat .
4 . Swollen lymph nodes : Cancer of the oral cavity most metastases to lymph nodes in the neck , causing swelling of the lymph nodes .
5 . Symptoms of dysfunction : Tumor invasion might mouth muscles and joints of the lower jaw , causing movement limited mouth opening and closing .
Own examination of the oral cavity cancer
1 . Examine the face and neck : When examining the neck, as much as possible must be raised my head back , look at whether there is an abnormality in the bone of the lower jaw and neck ; then use a separate hand touching the left and right side of the neck and lower jaw bone area , try to feel whether there is a difference of the two sides on the neck and lower jaw bone area .
2 . Checking the lips : Previously using eye observing the outer side of the upper and lower lips , then use hands to touch , then use your thumb and index finger pull the lower lip down to inspect the inside , the last check the inside of the upper lip .
3 . Checking gums : Attractive lips to check the gums and use the index finger to touch , observe whether the result is not the same with the previous examination .
4 . Checking cheek : The mouth closed , then by placing the thumb and index finger in the corner of the lip and pull it outwards , using the eyes to observe , at the same time using two hands to touch the sides of the cheeks , to see if there is an abnormality .
5 . Checking tongue : tongue Reaching out , using the hand that has been wrapped in gauze to hold my tongue , watching and touching the surface of the tongue , pull to the left and right , pay attention to the two sides of the tongue .
6 . Checking the base of the tongue : the tongue lifted up as much as possible , observing and touching the base of the tongue , check whether there is an abnormality .
7 . Checking section of the esophagus and upper palate : Sounding " Aaaaa " , under illumination sufficient attention to the throat , then ditengadahkan head slightly back , watching and touching the ceiling above .

Conventional methods of treatment of cancer of the oral cavity
1 . Operation : Surgical removal is a common method in the treatment of oral cancer , oral cavity cancer early stage if still not found metastases to lymph nodes in the neck , can use a single method with surgical removal .
2 . Chemotherapy : In the treatment of head and neck cancer are very few who only uses chemotherapy , usually combined with radiotherapy , in order to increase the sensitivity of the radiation beam .
3 . Radiotherapy : Treatment of radiotherapy although used alone or in combination with surgery , in the treatment of cancer of the oral cavity has an important function , can maintain the functions of chewing , swallowing and voice function , improve the quality of life of oral cancer

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