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Showing posts with label First Aid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label First Aid. Show all posts

Several Ways First Aid on Food Poisoning

Food Poisoning First Aid Articles photo

One of the possible health hazard is food poisoning. Victims of food poisoning should immediately get medical help. On track travelers, the government usually provides health posts that provide 24-hour service to deal with health problems that occur on the travelers.

However, before people with food poisoning were taken to the nearest health facility, there are some first aid we can do:

1. If the patient is a lot of food poisoning vomiting and diarrhea, give sufficient replacement fluids such as water, oral rehydration salts or mixtures of water-sugar 2 teaspoons salt ½ teaspoon or coconut water to replace the fluids and electrolytes lost body.
2. Give tablet activated carbon to absorb toxins in the digestive tract are taken with water.
3. If there are no tablets of activated carbon, can consume milk to bind toxins in the digestive tract and stimulate the patient to vomit so that the toxins out and do not circulate in the body. However, if the patient has diarrhea, should not be given milk.
4. If the patient is about to vomit food poisoning, induce vomiting in patients with head down so that the liquid state of vomit does not enter into the respiratory tract.
5. In children, should be immediately taken to the nearest health facility to get help immediately.

To prevent food poisoning, make sure you always wash your hands before eating, pay attention to the cleanliness of utensils and attention to cleanliness and freshness of the food you eat.

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Explanation Injury Scratched by Paper Feels More Painful

Injury Scratched by Paper articles photo

Why paper scratched wound more painful than cut knife? Actually, small wounds that are often underestimated was just the opposite - worse than imagined.

According to Scientific American research scientists as described in the last Janurari final edition, the paper scratched wound is not only a small tear as it looks. But the jagged scar that cut right through the collection of nerve cells are most sensitive.

"The wound is not that simple scratch paper. Edges sheet of thin objects that do seem subtle, but it is actually jagged," said Ferris Jabr of Scientific American.

"Pieces of paper scratch the skin was more like a chainsaw smaller than the knife. Although not look horrible, paper leaving chemical particles, may irritate the wounds inflicted," added Jabr.

Jabr uncover, because there is no blood flowing when scratched paper. People also tend not memperdulikannya.

"Because of superficial wounds, they do not bleed or fast freeze. But the damage skin tissue and nerve cells neurons," he explained.

"Every time we move, it will open the wound and interfere with nerve injured neurons," explained Jabr.

On the basis of it. nothing wrong with using plaster cover scars that do not open and do not cause pain and prevent infection.

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Some Tips on How to Prevent Food Poisoning

How to Prevent Food Poisoning Articles photo

Food poisoning is an illness caused by food and drink unhygienic and contaminated. Infectious germs such as bacteria, viruses and parasites are the most common cause of food poisoning. Food contamination can occur from the process of preparation to presentation of food.

Food poisoning can make individuals feel uncomfortable experience. Symptoms The most frequent complaints are nausea, vomiting and diarrhea that usually can occur immediately until a few hours after consuming food. Food poisoning is varied there are mild and cause dehydration and death threats.
To prevent food poisoning, it needs a healthy lifestyle and clean. It should be applied not only at home but also when eating outside the home.

Here are some steps that can be followed to prevent food poisoning:

• Hand washing, cooking utensils and food before and after holding and preparing food. Use warm water and dishwashing soap special wash separately peralatasan cook and eat.
• Separate storage of raw food with cooked foods to prevent cross-contamination. Cross-contamination is the involvement of the cooked foods that have been processed properly by the bacteria / germs / viruses from tableware or objects that are not hygienic.
• Make sure the food is cooked completely mature in all parts
• Discard food if you are not sure food is stored and prepared either way, odor and appearance has been inconclusive
• Avoid letting the food too long at room temperature, if you do not want to directly consume food, you can store it in the refrigerator. Food should be a maximum of 90 minutes at room temperature if it is more than that directly store in the refrigerator. Food stored in the refrigerator can last up to 2 days.
• Make sure the temperature is below 5 ° C refrigerator
• Keep the meat at the bottom of the freezer so as not to contaminate other food

Most people still think that the only possible food poisoning food purchased outside the home. However, it turns out the food cooked at home can cause poisoning makana if the process of making and presentation is not true. Food poisoning can be fatal. Healthy is the dream of everyone. Therefore, it is better we prevent disease while we can.

First Aid When Having a Heart Attack

Heart Attack photo

The only cause of sudden death or sudden death are heart defects, and one of them is a coronary heart attack. Therefore, the first step to help identify your heart in order to prevent even worse consequences.

Heart disease is a malignant disease and the most first-killer diseases in the world. One disease that is often experienced is coronary heart disease, better known as the symptoms of constriction of the blood vessels of the heart.
Coronary heart disease is caused by a buildup of fat in the blood vessels of the heart.

So, for people who are too many foods that contain fat, it is possible that the fat in the blood vessels to bring it up against the wall of the heart and blood vessels, settles, and crusting which in turn makes blood vessels become narrower.

For heart patients, it is recommended to undergo a healthy life, namely:

•  Keeping fat intake.
•  Many consume fiber.
•  Regular exercise 3 times a week, at least 30 minutes.

But for the already entered the next phase in heart disease, it is advisable not to carry out non-competitive sports such as soccer, tennis, badminton or basketball because this type of exercise much exertion or emotion. The good is non-competitive with the beolahraga such as jogging, swimming or brisk walking.

Fueled by 4E
Usually the symptoms of this disease are not visible, but when it entered the next phase, newly detected. If you have entered the next phase, then that should be wary of is a heart attack. For patients with coronary heart disease should take care not to run into eE below.

Heart attack was triggered by 4E, namely:

1. Exercise or exercise too much.
2. Eat or excessive eating.
3. Emotion or too excessive emotion.
4. Exposure of cold or exposure to excessive cold.

Typical Symptoms of Heart Attack
Symptoms of a heart attack usually begins with pain in the left side. Pain in the left chest like crushed heavy objects, such as grip. Pain in the chest will also spread to the left arm, penetrating to the lower back. Usually accompanied by shortness of breath and choking and sweating.

It is a typical symptom that is often seen, but there are also typical symptoms, such as in patients with coronary heart disease who also suffer from diabetes. Because of diabetic nerve pain has dulled, the symptoms usually shortness of breath.

First Aid
Then how first aid when having a heart attack? Usually someone who has a history of heart disease, the doctor will give the patient drugs known nitrad should be consumed when "Heart Attack" to dilate the blood vessels of the patient.

However, what if you do not have the medicine?

1. It is recommended once you behave tenangm because panic will only increase the work of the heart and worsen the situation.

2. According to the guidelines of the ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life suppport), cardiac massage priority than artificial respiration.

3. Drug pain reliever that can be taken during an attack.

4. The second, of course had to be taken to the nearest hospital.

Cardiac massage in question is a qualified massage, with a rate of 100 times per minute with a depth of 4 cm on the left chest in the location of the heart.

Some Important Things Burn Injury Treatment at Home

The occurrence of burns in the household is quite common. Could be due to a scalded while making tea, accidentally touching a hot frying pan while cooking, or even splashing hot oil when frying.

Burns that occur can be divided into 4 levels, among others:

• The initial level only in the form of redness of the skin, called first-degree burns.
• If the affected skin deeper, called second-degree burns, the skin not only redness but also arise bullae or what we call the blister, ie lentingan in skin exposed to heat and filled with fluid.
• If the affected skin deeper called third-degree burns.
• When more severe ie degree burns 4.

In an accident at home, the most common are burns degree 1 and 2. If this happened to you, do not panic. There are a few things you can do immediately at home shortly after the accident before being taken to the nearest clinic:

There are a few things you can do immediately at home shortly after the accident before being taken to the nearest clinic.

1. First, rinse the affected skin with heat.
2. Rinse the affected skin with water heat until no pain anymore. Usually, rinsing for 15-30 minutes can stop the pain.
3. The water used can reduce the temperature of the skin and stop the burning process that continues to occur in the skin so as to prevent the occurrence of more severe tissue damage.
4. You can put the heat to the affected area in a bucket of water. But do not use ice or ice water because it can cause tissue damage.
5. Remove the jewelry is used so that when the skin is exposed to the swelling or blistering heat, the jewelry does not interfere with treatment.
6. Once the pain is gone, burns happen to be washed.
7. Wash hands before washing the wound.
8. Do not touch lentingan already broken because infection can arise.
9. To lentingan are not broken, do not break them.
10. Clean with soap and water. Then dry slowly.
11. Once it can be given an antibiotic ointment on injured skin.
12. Do not put foreign objects such as butter or toothpaste on injured skin because it can cause an infection.

First Aid Emergency Situations

Emergency situations are not familiar with the place and time. Traffic accident or a heart attack can occur at home or on the road. Given the importance of the initial steps in to save the victim's life, let us identify what are the steps we can do when meeting patients with emergencies.

1. Impairment of consciousness (fainting)
When there are victims who suddenly fell and decreased consciousness, the first step you should do is make sure that the patient is in a safe environment. For example if you're in the middle of heavy traffic, lift the patient to a safe area to be given aid (except in the circumstances of an accident or trauma).

Make sure that the patient is unconscious, if the patient is not aware of the correct call by dialing the emergency assistance or the nearest hospital.

If you have participated in the training of basic life support, it may be touching on the carotid artery, if not palpable, continue with chest compression.

If the state of the patient's pulse is palpable, the patient lay on his side to the left (to note that patients are not patients of trauma). Tilting the patient's body can keep the victim breathing space, this position is called steady position (recovery position).

2. First Aid Child Seizures
Move the child to a safe place like a mattress that is far from hard and sharp objects.
Angle your head to one side to prevent choking.
Do not insert anything into the child's mouth during a seizure, including inserting a spoon, food, drinks and medicines.
For a more complete examination, immediately take it to the nearest hospital.

3. First Aid When Nosebleed
Contrary to a common habit, do not position the person being nosebleed with sleeping position. This can cause the blood into the cavity of the throat and choking. Position the body in a state leaning forward.

Apply pressure on the nose just below the nasal bones for approximately 10 minutes.
If the complaint is not improved and a lot of blood flowing, consult your doctor or the nearest emergency room, to look for the cause and made more precise handling such as the installation of a tampon blockage.

4. Fractures and trauma
Maintain the position of the patient, do not be moved about unless there is an experienced paramedic. Wrong move could potentially worsen the patient's condition, the fracture can move and aggravate bleeding. If you had to be moved because of security reasons the patient, make sure the injured does not shift or move because of the removal process.

Do not try to restore or reconnect a broken bone.
Do not do the washing or cleaning the wound with anything, just cover with clothing or a clean cloth.
If there is bleeding a lot and active, may be an emphasis on the top of the wound.

Contact health personnel immediately for further assistance.

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