Why paper scratched wound more painful than cut knife? Actually, small wounds that are often underestimated was just the opposite - worse than imagined.
According to Scientific American research scientists as described in the last Janurari News.com.au final edition, the paper scratched wound is not only a small tear as it looks. But the jagged scar that cut right through the collection of nerve cells are most sensitive.
"The wound is not that simple scratch paper. Edges sheet of thin objects that do seem subtle, but it is actually jagged," said Ferris Jabr of Scientific American.
"Pieces of paper scratch the skin was more like a chainsaw smaller than the knife. Although not look horrible, paper leaving chemical particles, may irritate the wounds inflicted," added Jabr.
Jabr uncover, because there is no blood flowing when scratched paper. People also tend not memperdulikannya.
"Because of superficial wounds, they do not bleed or fast freeze. But the damage skin tissue and nerve cells neurons," he explained.
"Every time we move, it will open the wound and interfere with nerve injured neurons," explained Jabr.
On the basis of it. nothing wrong with using plaster cover scars that do not open and do not cause pain and prevent infection.
Source: news.com.au
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