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Showing posts with label cervical. Show all posts

Dual Protection Protect yourself from cervical cancer

cervical cancer tips photo

There are several risk factors that cause a woman may develop cervical cancer. However, the study found that 99.7 percent of cervical cancers are caused by HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) which can be prevented with the HPV vaccine.

So how effective HPV vaccine and cervical cancer ward if a woman who had been vaccinated need IVA or Pap test again?

Generally, the main cause of cervical cancer or cervical usually of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) are usually of the type 16,18 and 52. However, as the disease is derived from a virus, then there are many risk factors.

Because of the virus, so the disease can be transmitted through skin to skin contact so the risk factors of cervical cancer could be from anywhere. Such as changing sexual partners, smoking, sex less than 20 years, the immune system decreases, mother and brother of cervical cancer, sexually transmitted disease and a history of positive Pap smear. So as to prevent it, may need a pap smear again.

Nevertheless, the HPV vaccine is expensive so can not be used as a sustainable national program. Yet cervical cancer is one of the most disease experienced by women.

To anticipate the spread of HPV virus, is expected to adolescents aged 9 -13 years vaccinated. Because at that time, their immune system is very good so that it can protect from the virus for up to 10 years.

Bivalent HPV vaccine (Cervarix, GlaxoSmithKline) own targeting HPV types 16 and 18, which is estimated to be the cause of more than 70% of cervical cancers worldwide.

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Be aware of the cervical cancer symptoms

cervical cancer symptoms - photo

Cervical cancer is also known as cervical cancer is one of the cancers most feared women. Based on the existing data in the WHO noted, every year thousands of women die from cervical cancer and a type of cancer which ranks as the top cause of death among women of the world.

The high number of deaths caused by cervical cancer occur because of a lack of awareness among women to do regular medical examination. In the early stages, cervical cancer does not cause symptoms or complaints at all. At this early stage, the examination of the cervix is very important to detect any changes in the cervical region.

Cervical cancer affects on the reproductive organs of women, precisely in the area of the cervix or the entrance to the narrow part of the uterus that is at the bottom of the vulva and uterus.

Human papilloma virus (HPV) is the cause of cervical cancer. While the cause of death in women is HPV types 16 and 18. The virus is very easy to move and spread, not only through the liquid, but can also move through the touch of skin. In addition, the use of public lavatories are already exposed to the HPV virus, can infect someone who use it if it is not cleaned properly. In addition, poor lifestyle habits can also cause outbreaks of cervical cancer. Such as smoking, inadequate intake of vitamins, especially vitamin C and vitamin E and folic acid intake.

Symptoms and complaints will arise when you have cervical cancer are at a more advanced stage. Symptoms to look out for include:

Whitish chronic smelly and bloody.
Bleeding that occurs outside the menstrual period.
Menstrual periods that occur heavier and longer than usual.
Bleeding that occurs after menopause.
Bleeding that occurs after sexual intercourse.
Bleeding that occurs after a pelvic exam or cleaning the vagina (douching).
Pain in the pelvic area.
Pain during sexual intercourse.
Weight loss unexplained cause.
In the face of cervical cancer, the best thing is not to wait until the above symptoms appear. Make checks at regular cervical area if you are already sexually active. This can prevent deaths due to cervical cancer.

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Some Steps to Prevent Cervical Cancer

January is the month that celebrates the world as cervical cancer awareness month. This cancer is a cancer that is very dangerous and deadly because it is somewhat veiled and not give any symptoms at all in the early stages.

Almost every hour there is one woman's death from cervical cancer. To the understanding of this disease, early detection and prevention method is an important factor in preventing the deaths of women from cervical cancer.

Some precautions that can be done is as follows:

Avoid smoking, both active and passive smoking.

Do not have sexual intercourse with multiple partners or multiple partners.

If you or your spouse is suffering from a sexually transmitted infection, you should not have sexual intercourse prior to the infection has been addressed and treated thoroughly.

Avoid sexual intercourse at a young age (under 20 years).

Perform routine inspection of early detection. Pap tests should be mandatory and routine every 3 years for women aged 21-65 years.

Getting a vaccine against HPV. Vaccine against HPV can protect women from infection with HPV types 16 and 18 that can cause cervical cancer and is found in 70% of patients with cervical cancer. The best vaccine is in women aged 9-26 years who have never had sexual intercourse. However, the results are also good protection can still be found in the vaccine for women aged up to 45 years who have had sexual intercourse and do not have signs of cervical cancer.

Healthy life and conduct regular health checks can save lives. Do not wait any longer for a check-up. If you find it difficult to check-up and early detection so you can imagine the difficulties experienced if it turns out you have cervical cancer that was detected too late.

HPV Vaccine For Cervical Cancer Prevention

What is HPV?
HPV stands for Human Papilloma Virus. This virus is the virus that causes warts on the skin. It has been found to be more than 100 types of HPV, so papilloma virus that causes genital warts is different from papilloma viruses that bring about warts on the hands or feet. Some types of HPV is the cause of cervical cancer, HPV type 16 and type 18. More than 80% of cases of cervical cancer are caused by the two types of the papilloma virus.

Who is at risk for HPV infection?
Women who initiate sexual intercourse early (age 14-16 years) is a group of people who are at high risk for cervical cancer. During puberty, women do not possess the perfect sexual function and condition of the immature uterus neck, leaving it vulnerable to infection with HPV virus.

How can I reduce the risk of HPV infection?
Sure way to prevent HPV infection is not having sex at a young age and not alternate pairs. In addition, HPV infection, especially HPV that cause cervical cancer can be prevented by vaccination. The vaccine is injected into the muscle, usually in the upper arm. The best protection is obtained after 3 injections were given within 6 months.

What are the benefits of the HPV vaccine?
Protection against infection with HPV types 16 and 18 will be able to survive for 5 years. If the vaccine is given to women aged 9-26 years, it will be about providing 100% protection. If given to women over the age of 26 years, then the protection is obtained depending on the amount of exposure to HPV has occurred.

What should be considered before receiving HPV?
Make sure you are not pregnant or plan to become pregnant. Pastika you healthy in all circumstances, not the flu, fever, diarrhea. And a very pentites, for those who are sexually active, to do a pap test before receiving the vaccine.

Characteristics, Causes, and Prevention of Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is also known as cervical cancer is one of the cancers most feared women. Based on available data, of the many cancer patients in Indonesia, cervical cancer reaches its third. And from WHO data recorded, every year thousands of women die from cervical cancer and a type of cancer which ranks as the top cause of death among women of the world.

Cervical cancer affects on the reproductive organs of women, precisely in the area of the cervix or the entrance to the narrow part of the uterus that is at the bottom of the vulva and uterus.

Cause of Cervical Cancer
Human papilloma virus (HPV) is the cause of cervical cancer. While the cause of death in women is HPV types 16 and 18. The virus is very easy to move and spread, not only through the liquid, but can also move through the touch of skin. In addition, the use of public lavatories are already exposed to the HPV virus, can infect someone who use it if it is not cleaned properly.

In addition, poor lifestyle habits can also cause outbreaks of cervical cancer. Such as smoking, inadequate intake of vitamins, especially vitamin C and vitamin E and folic acid intake. Another bad habit that can cause cervical cancer is frequent intercourse with multiple partners, having sex with a man who frequently change partners and have intercourse at an early age (have intercourse at age <16 years may even increase the risk of cervical cancer 2x ). Another factor that causes cervical cancer is the offspring of cancer, the use of Pill for a very long time, too seringmelahirkan.

Characteristics of Women Suffer Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer requires a very long process that is between 10 to 20 years to become a cancer in the beginning of an infection. Therefore, when the initial phase of development will be difficult to detect. Therefore, it is suggested the women to perform a pap smear test at least 2 years, IVA test (visual inspection with acetic acid, etc. Although difficult to detect, but the following characteristics could be a clue to the woman whether he was suffering from cancer symptoms cervical or not:

1. When having sex as feeling pain, often followed pleh bleeding.
2. Experiencing abnormal vaginal discharge accompanied by bleeding and the amount of excess
3. Frequent pain in the pelvic region
4. Experiencing pain while urinating
5. At the time of menstruation, blood coming out in large quantities and excess
6. When women have advanced stage will experience pain in the thighs or one leg has swollen, becomes greatly reduced appetite, weight unstable, difficult to urinate, experience spontaneous bleeding.

Cervical Cancer Prevention
Here are some things that can be done for women in terms of preventing kankerserviks not to befall him, among others:

1. Live a healthy lifestyle by eating enough nutritious food and nutrition
2. Always maintain a healthy body and environmental sanitation
3. Avoid cleaning the genitals with dirty water
4. If you are a smoker, quit this bad habit
5. Avoid having sex during early childhood
6. Always be faithful to your partner, do not bergonta let alone followed by intercourse.
7. Perform a minimum pap smears done for 2 years, especially for those who have actively having sex
8. If you have never had sex, it's worth doing HPV vaccination
9. Expand the consumption of foods that contain beta carotene vegetables pretty much, vitamin c and e.

However, if you already detected cervical cancer, then there are several methods of treatment that can be done. If cervical cancer is detected early, the treatment is done by eliminating cervical cancer is by way of surgery, laser surgery well, electricity or by freezing and dispose of cervical cancer tissue (cyrosurgery)

For advanced cervical cancer cases will be treatment with chemotherapy and radiotherapy way, but if it is detected severe enough, is nothing else but to remove the uterus (hysterectomy) thoroughly so that cancer does not develop.

Couple Changes Trigger Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer or cervical cancer is a type of cancer that is located between the vagina to the uterus in the female body. The most common cause is due to unhealthy sexual intercourse or frequently changing partners. If left unchecked, can lead to death.

Cervical cancer was initially caused by HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) that live in the human genital area. "There are more than 120 types of HPV viruses that exist, but 70% of the viruses that cause cervical cancer are HPV 16 and 18

Cervical cancer can be recognized when the cervix looks like thrush, thus making the blood vessels were injured when a woman had sexual intercourse. As a result, there is bleeding or contact bleeding. If this occurs, the woman should be examined to determine whether the cervix has been attacked by a virus, because it is this which can cause cancer.

There are two ways to prevent this disease, namely:

1. Primary prevention
Prevention is usually done for unmarried women. By way of giving sexual education, one of which is to avoid sexual intercourse with multiple partners, and the importance of early examination. In addition, adolescents also need to get the HPV vaccine given three times within six months to prevent cervical cancer.

2. Secondary prevention
For women who are married and already had sexual intercourse, secondary prevention is very important. Prevention among others by doing pemeriksaanpap smear to determine the condition of the cells of the cervix, and then analyzed to detect the presence of cervical cancer early. Furthermore, HPV DNA tests will be done to determine whether the cervix has been exposed to the virus 16 and 18, which is the cause of cervical cancer.

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