Cervical cancer is also known as cervical cancer is one of the cancers most feared women. Based on the existing data in the WHO noted, every year thousands of women die from cervical cancer and a type of cancer which ranks as the top cause of death among women of the world.
The high number of deaths caused by cervical cancer occur because of a lack of awareness among women to do regular medical examination. In the early stages, cervical cancer does not cause symptoms or complaints at all. At this early stage, the examination of the cervix is very important to detect any changes in the cervical region.
Cervical cancer affects on the reproductive organs of women, precisely in the area of the cervix or the entrance to the narrow part of the uterus that is at the bottom of the vulva and uterus.
Human papilloma virus (HPV) is the cause of cervical cancer. While the cause of death in women is HPV types 16 and 18. The virus is very easy to move and spread, not only through the liquid, but can also move through the touch of skin. In addition, the use of public lavatories are already exposed to the HPV virus, can infect someone who use it if it is not cleaned properly. In addition, poor lifestyle habits can also cause outbreaks of cervical cancer. Such as smoking, inadequate intake of vitamins, especially vitamin C and vitamin E and folic acid intake.
Symptoms and complaints will arise when you have cervical cancer are at a more advanced stage. Symptoms to look out for include:
Whitish chronic smelly and bloody.
Bleeding that occurs outside the menstrual period.
Menstrual periods that occur heavier and longer than usual.
Bleeding that occurs after menopause.
Bleeding that occurs after sexual intercourse.
Bleeding that occurs after a pelvic exam or cleaning the vagina (douching).
Pain in the pelvic area.
Pain during sexual intercourse.
Weight loss unexplained cause.
In the face of cervical cancer, the best thing is not to wait until the above symptoms appear. Make checks at regular cervical area if you are already sexually active. This can prevent deaths due to cervical cancer.
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