If when you are sick, nurse or doctor will usually feel the wrist to determine the heart rate. Heart rate is one of the most visible indicators and known to see the health of the heart. Normal heart rate in humans is generally highly variable and depends on the human itself.
AHA (American Heart Association) said, normal heart rate in humans ranges from 60-100 beats per minute (bpm) and this happens when we are resting. Some studies say, if humans have a lower heart rate while resting then it shows a good heart function. Conversely, if the heart rate at rest means there is a problem on your heart. Heart rate that is too fast could be a sign of heart disease.
AHA also states that the heart rate of people who are doing the activity could also be lower than when berisitirahat because the heart muscle to work and be able to create the rhythm of the heart rate more stable.
Gerald Fletcher, MD, a cardiologist at the Mayo Clinic gives some tips to recognize the heartbeat.
1. Know your heart rate at rest
Gerrard Fletcher said to know how to measure the heart rate at rest. The trick is to tests that can be done when you wake up the morning. Previously, make sure you sleep well at night. If you have a heart rate of 60 to 100 bpm speed, then it means your heart rate within normal limits and in good health.
2. Know your heart rate after the move
Another way to determine the heart rate is to count them after the move, for example after exercise. Place your finger on the inside of your wrist, on the thumb and use the tip of two fingers above the wrist blood vessels to calculate the heart rate. Count your pulse for 10 seconds and multiply by six to how fast the heart beats per minute.
Normal human being with a heart-healthy, after exercising will have a heart rate that is at 50 percent to 85 percent of maximum heart rate range in the human or 220 bpm. Heart rate was also affected by age. Thus, to calculate the heart rate could use the formula: maximum heart rate (220 bpm) minus your current age.
For example, if your current age is 30 years, then your normal heart rate is 190 bpm. While the heart rate with a ratio of 50 percent to 85 percent to the age of 30 years is 95-162 bpm.
Two easy ways this is a simple step to determine the heart rate both at rest or after the move.
If you feel the heart beat more slowly or too quickly, immediately consult a doctor to find out more about the condition of your heart.
source: Mayo Clinic
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