You've heard the parable of the speech that is "non-reinforced tongue but sharper than the sword". The word that comes out of your mouth sometimes have a different meaning to the people who hear it, learn a foreign language correctly be one way to convey the meaning of your words of truth to those who listen.
Every country in the world have their own language and sometimes there is more than one language in the same country. To learn any language is not easy, there is a relatively common language with our local language, but some others were very difficult even for many people. They have the vocabulary, tone, and inotasi that difficult to learn. Here are 10 of the most difficult languages to learn in the world.
10. Estonia
Estonian language is not so many people who learn the language because it is only used in the Estonian state. Estonian and Finnish languages have similar relationship, although not as difficult grammar Estonian Finnish language and grammar is simpler than Finnish.
Estonia has 3 types of vowels, namely:
Short n, for example, Lina has a meaning Linen.
Long n, for example linna have a sense of the city.
Extra long n, for example `Linna means to enter the city.
Although these three words have the same pronunciation, but the conversation will usually be difficult to hear the difference of each word is, if you want to know the difference of the three pronunciation of the word, and should ask a native of Estonia. Pronunciation in Estonian language is not too difficult, but the sound õ may be a little difficult to pronounce.
9. Hindi
hindi language derives from the Persian language is Hind which means "Land of the Indus River". Hindi is used mostly in the country of India, while the 2nd official language in India is English.
Because the English language is the official language of the 2nd of this country a few words in Hindi language has in common with the English language as a teacher, jungle, karma, yoga, and thug. Hindi language grammar is quite difficult due to gender differences affect the vocabulary used.
The use of formal language is also very important in hindi language example is the Ribbon and Baap, the 2nd word has the same meaning, namely Father, but for more politely you should use the Ribbon.
8. Finnish
Finnish has a special character in the form of letters ö and ä. Another difficulty of foreign language one is because there are some words that have long said that it is difficult to say one of them, namely: "Lentokonesuihkuturbiinimoottoriapumekaanikkoaliupseerioppilas"
if separated in the English language into sections then has a meaning:
Lentokone = airplane (airplane)
suihku = jet
turbiini = turbine (Turbine)
moottori = engine (Engine)
APU = assistant (Assistant)
mekaanikko = mechanic (mechanical)
aliupseeri = non-commissioned officer (Not Officers commissioner)
oppilas = student (Student)
Fortunately the Finnish language does not have a different pronunciation in every word, you only need to mention the word based on what you see. You can try the above said maybe you can mention it smoothly.
7. Thailand
Thai language is somewhat difficult because of a total of 46 words, there are 5 intonation tone is moderate, high, low, rising and declining. Although not all words have a minimum of 5 intonation tone yet have one tone intonation.
As for the use of the word when heard carefully have the same tone but different meanings depending on the situation, eg, "Mai pen rai" can have the sense not to worry, equally, nor does nothing depending on the situation conversation.
Actually, the hardest thing of the Thai language is writing letters, most of the people who learn the Thai language only learn pronunciation and vocabulary everyday while writing is not studied at all. Writing letters Thailand has its own symbols that you should memorize.
6. Hungarian
If you are accustomed to speak in english maybe you will have difficulty in pronunciation hungarian, because the word "S" in the pronunciation has sound like "Sz" while the S word itself has a sound "Sh". So if you usually use the word behind the "s" in English to show two or more objects, you must add the word "Sz".
In the Hungarian language, there are 3 types of vowels are vowels front, back vocals and mix vocals. Consists of a front vowel (e, é, i, í, ö,?, Ü,?), While the rear consists of a vowel (a, á, o, ó, u, ú). Hungarian does not have a special word to distinguish the sexes and there are only 3 words of the time is past, present and future.
5. Greece
Did you know that there are at least 30% of the vocabulary of the English language which is actually derived from classical Greek language. Usually these words are words related technical or scientific terms like for example Aero (UK) - Aeer (Greek language in the sense of the Air).
Greek language has a language that shows the characteristics of the gender separately as for women, men and neutral. So that at the end of a sentence pronunciation shows directly to whom we spoke, the pronunciation of the verb is also influenced from people, mood, number, and state.
Greek language also has a different alphabet than usual, in the greek letter R has similarities like the letter P, fortunately is if you managed to memorize the letters you can read Greek written language.
4. Korean
Although classified in one of the most difficult foreign language in the world but it has the consonant words of Korean language that is easy to learn. Korean language is a word gabunga of consonants and vowels, but there are only a maximum of 3 words consonant and one vowel words. Korean language has 19 consonants and 21 word word vocals.
Korean language also has a different pronunciation to show respect for someone older. Usually the word respect is shown at the beginning of the conversation and at the end of a sentence.
Korean language actually has a high degree of difficulty to be learned by the west, such as the American, because he susunana different, said respect, and complex grammar.
3. Japanese
Japanese language has three character word usually used is Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji. Kanji is a word character that has similarities with chinese if you need at least 3000 words in chinese language, the kanji you just need at least 2000 words. Hiragana and Katakana while there are 46 characters bringing the total to 96, and when added to the pronunciation of tones to 102.
If in any language sometimes have intonation tone, the Japanese do not have a special tone intonation, it's just that sometimes the pronunciation of each word has its own intonation associated with feelings.
Japanese language has its own convenience, when usually when we ask something to someone we will use the subject and an object in the Japanese language you can leave the word. Example: "Have you eaten yet?", While in the Japanese language only need to say the word "tabeta?" (meaning: eat?) to anyone who asked.
2. Arabic
Arabic language is said to be one of the languages is difficult because there are many different dialects arabic language. There are at least 13 grammar in arabic language that is used every day in general conversation.
If we do the writing words on a piece of paper starts from left to right, then the arabic writing starts from right to left, of course, you have to get used to writing the sentence overturned.
Arabic language also has a plurality of different consonants such example if you want to declare English, we study a number of things have more than one you will add the letter "S" at the end of a word such as Student becomes Students. But in Arabic student = Talib, while the student = tulab.
1. Chinese
Yes, Chinese language, Chinese, or Mandarin is the most difficult language to learn in the world. The official language used in the country of China and Taiwan. In China there are two chinese language normally used, namely Mandarin and Cantonese, but is more commonly used is Mandarin.
Difficulty in learning chinese language lies in tone and intonation pronunciation of each word. Intonation tone contained in mandarin is divided into 5 parts:
First Note - high pitch tone. (b? meaning eight)
Second Note - intonation rising tone or increased (BA sense to pull out).
Third Note - decreased tone then rising intonation (b? Sense to hold).
Fourth Note - intonation decreased tone (BA meaning father).
Neutral Note - monotone intonation (ba meaning usually used at the end of a sentence).
Another difficulty is that there are about 80,000 characters and you have to master at least a minimum of 3000-3500 words to be able to do a normal conversation with someone else. As a comparison, to be able to read one newspaper with mandarin you need at least a minimum of 3000 words.
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