Until now, there are still many people who often prepares new pension fund at age no longer productive. Though saving for retirement is more effective when done early.
That is, when setting aside money in productive age, you can meet the needs of retirement like living in a productive future. Unfortunately, many still say that it is difficult to put into practice.
Do not worry, because there are easy steps you can do to prepare for retirement early. There are easy steps you can do.
Set a budget
How much is your monthly income? Of course there are expenses from the income you have to do every month.
Therefore, try to make a list of budget expenditures, including the bill shall be paid each month such as telephone, electricity, and water.
After that, first verify any expenses that can be reduced. That way you will know if you always spend money on things that are not so important.
From there you can add money from revenue each month for savings. When applying a list of budget, pension funds that you will save a lot more useful and productive no later age.
Start investing
Of income per month, if you've set aside for investing? Yes, setting up a pension fund can also be done by investing.
For the record, not all investments have high risks. However, before the start of the investment first try to identify the characteristics of yourself. Do you belong to a conservative investor, moderate, or aggressive?
If you are a conservative type, it means you are investors who do not want to lose the principal at all. The point you are willing to get small results origin secure funding. Here, the type of investment that is suitable for conservative investors are savings and deposits.
In contrast to the moderate investor type, they will be willing to take a little risk of origin to get a decent return in the medium term. In addition to savings and deposits, investments suitable for moderate type is gold, land, and property.
Another with an aggressive type of investors. They will dare to take risks, be willing to lose the principal amount of capital for the sake of benefit in a relatively long period of time.
Many investment options for these types of investors, such as mutual funds and stock mixture.
How do I know you are the characteristics? Try to consult with a financial planner to be directly recommended suitable types of investment products.