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Most types of cancer occurred and Examination

Cancer, in principle, can be prevented. In addition to lifestyle changes, the most ideal condition prevention is early detection of cancer itself through a medical examination. Now the question arises, whether the examination of the ideal to be able to detect cancer?

To determine the appropriate inspection, it's good to know in advance the common types of cancer most often occurs. Because of these two things are related to each other. Because different types of cancer, different examination.

What are the recommended cancer screening? Let's look at the latest guidelines from the American Cancer Society for early detection of most types of cancer.

Breast Cancer
payudaraPemeriksaan cancer breast cancer:
Mammography is recommended every year from the age of 40 years
Clinical breast examination every 3 years for women 20s and 30s and every year for women aged 40 years and over.
Women should know their own breasts normally (either visible or palpable) and report any changes immediately to a health facility. Breast self-examination can be performed from the age of 20 years.
Women who have a family history, genetic predisposition or certain factors should be screened with MRI in addition to mammography. Talk with your doctor about the family history and whether you need additional tests at an early age.

Colon cancer (colorectal cancer) and colon polyps
colon cancer cancer kolonPemeriksaan is done from the age of 50 years. Both men and women have to undergo one of the tests below.
Tests to find polyps and cancer

· Flexible sigmoidoscopy every 5 years *, or
· Colonoscopy every 10 years, or
· Double-contrast barium enema every 5 years *, or
· CT colonography (virtual colonoscopy) every 5 years *
Test mainly to find cancer

· Faecal occult blood test (gFOBT) every year *, **, or
· Fecal immunochemical test, fecal immunochemical test (FIT) every year *, **, or
* If the test is positive, a colonoscopy should be continued.
** Tests using faeces taken from the house. When done in poly inadequate doctor for tests. If the result is positive then it must be followed by colonoscopy.
This test is designed to find polyps and cancer at an early stage and can be done if available at your local health facilities. Talk with your doctor which test is best for you.
Some people need to be screened with a different schedule because there is a personal history or family history. Bicarkaan with your doctor about your history and test what works best for you.

Cervical Cancer
rahimPemeriksaan neck cancer cervical cancer:
Cervical cancer screening should diulai at the age of 21 years. Women under 21 years old do not need to be checked.
Women aged 21-29 years should smear test every three years. Now there is a test called the HPV test. HPV testing is not necessary in this age group keduali when needed in an abnormal Pap test results.
Women aged 30-65 years should Pap test plus HPV (called "co-testing") every 5 years. This is the approach chosen, but still acceptable, if only just a Pap test every 3 years.
Women over the age of 65 years who screen the normal orderly screening need not be checked again. Once the test is stopped, no need to start again. Women with a history of pre-cancer screening should continue for at least 20 years after diagnosis, even when passing from the age of 65 years.
The woman who had her uterus removed (and also serviksnya) due to non-cancerous cervical disease and no history of cervical cancer do not need to be tested again.
Women who have been vaccinated against HPV should still be screened in accordance with the recommended age group.
Women who because of medical history may need to schedule different cervical cancer screening.

Endometrial cancer (uterine cancer)
rahimAmerican cancer Cancer Society recommends at menopause, every woman should be informed about the risks and symptoms of endometrial cancer.
Women should report any bleeding or spotting on the doctor. Some women who might be considered as riyawatnya endomtrium biopsy every year.

Lung Cancer
paruAmerican cancer Cancer Society does not recommend testing for cervical cancer Skiring for the general population but have ACS screening guidelines for high-risk individuals for lung cancer due to smoking. If you meet the following criteria, Anad require screening:
Age 55-74 years
Health condition is quite good
Smoking history of at least 30 pack per year AND still smoke until now OR have quit smoking daalam the last 15 years.
Inspection is recommended low-dose CT lung scan (LDCT). Chest CT scan was describing a more detailed picture than X-rays (x-ray) of the chest and better at finding small abnormalities in the lungs. LDCT chest using a smaller amount of radiation than a standard CT scan of the chest and does not require intravenous contrast dye.

Prostate Cancer
The American Cancer Society recommends discussion with your doctor to determine whether the required test for prostate cancer because studies have not been able to prove the advantages outweigh the risks test test.
ACS recommends starting at age 50, men should talk to a doctor megnenai pros and cons of the test in order to determine whether the test is the right choice for them. When people Ameriksa Africa or the father or brother with prostate cancer under the age of 65 years, the man should discuss this from the age of 45 years. When it was decided to test, test recommended is the PSA blood with or without digital rectal. Incidence of tests determined the levels of PSAnya.

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