The development of the modern world increasingly complex and versatile triggered an increasing criminality alarming. Moreover, in some large cities or country life high mobility and high social inequality.
The development of the modern world increasingly complex and versatile triggered an increasing criminality alarming. Moreover, in some large cities or country life high mobility and high social inequality. Crime is a meal days occur. No wonder TV stations today met a lot of crime news, for example, murder, robbery, kidnapping, beatings, rape, torture, and so forth brawl.
These things certainly do not want to happen to yourself, your family or relatives. All these events can happen to anyone, anywhere, any time. On the street or in a crowded situation that could happen even if the crime.
Which we will discuss today is crime rife in the cab. Taxi is one of public transport is facilitated by a certain comfort, so the taxi passengers can have their own privacy. Taxi is one of the people's choice for traveling. Especially now that the rainy season, a taxi will be needed by people who do not own a car.
However, many cases of crimes committed in this transport service users. Although it seems safe and comfortable, we still need to be cautious and wary of anything that would happen. Because in fact, many crimes have occurred in the taxi. Triggers and the mode is very diverse, which obviously is very disturbing crime and disturbing the public. Crimes that may occur in the form of robbery, hold-up, rape, kidnapping and even to murder. Ironically the crimes committed by the taxi driver and are usually assisted by others. For that, you need to be more careful in using this transport.
Here are some tips to avoid crime when using taxi services.
1. Select the taxi which has high credibility
Although many choices of taxis that operate in the streets, you must select a taxi that has a high credibility. Look for a taxi that has been widely known that already trusted or that have been frequently you wear. Taxis are already a trust or a taxi you already have a good performance licenses.
2. Record the license plate taxi, taxi ID number, the name of the taxi driver
To keep unwanted crime, record the identity of the cab also we need to do. Before you take a taxi, note the taxi number plates. After being in the cab, record the ID number and the name of the taxi driver. You can send all the taxi's identity to the people closest to you via text message on your phone, so if anything happens to you, the people closest to you can keep track of where you are through the information that you submitted earlier.
3. Avoid excessive wear and bring a lot of money or other valuables
Exaggeration would invite attention. Especially if it's excessive invite crime. Often you do not realize that the crime was sometimes we were created. For example, it is possible that the taxi driver did not initially intend to act nothing against you, but when he saw you wearing excessive jewelry and flashy, or use an expensive gadget, making the taxi driver willing to rob your stuff. For that you should be able to put themselves under the conditions to avoid the danger of evil that threaten your safety.
4. Dare, smartass, but still polite
The point is be someone who can be assertive and bold but still polite. It would be very easy for the taxi driver to be mean to you who sees timid, meek, less agile and gullible. So most of the target crimes committed in the cab is a woman, because women are considered weak in resistance. When you want to travel alone, try to find a friend or partner to accompany you, avoid scantily clad and open as this can also trigger the driver acts of evil against you.
5. Immediately go down if there is anything suspicious
If in the course of the events that you think is strange and suspicious, immediately to request a stop. For example, if in the course of the driver received a call that sounds odd, come down quickly, it could be a cue that has been prepared to do evil. Or if in the course of the taxi drivers along the road that you normally do not pass, you can quit. And many other modes. Bottom line, if you happen to trip events that you think is not fair, immediately quit.
Good Luck !