1. Tell On Your Child
It is important that you should know and tell your child is that ADHD is not a disease and not the fault of your child. ADHD is a brain disorder that causes a child is hard and difficult bekonsentrasi complete a task.
By telling you this, then your child may be able to accept the situation and no longer complain when I had to take medicine every day.
2. Do not Let Children Be Lazy
Although children with ADHD do require a longer time to do a task or learning, do not make it as a reason for you and your child can make it lazy. Continue to encourage your child to learn to be responsible about the things that it has become a duty.
3. Make Rules and Award
Make a rule that expressly and give praise or even a gift to your child when he or she can accomplish certain tasks can make it more vibrant and confident. Do not make the rules are too strict and rigid which can make your child become depressed and stressed. It can actually worsen the situation and this also may affect your emotions.
4. Growing Confidence In Children
Help your child to be more confident. The trick is to help them complete the task (not that you are doing it, you just need to assist and help in their time of trouble doing his job) and tell them that even though they are slightly different from the other kids does not mean they can not be a successful person.
5. Never Too Protecting Children
Every parent would want to always protect her, both when you were little kids or when they have grown up. However, too protect children, especially children with ADHD can make them unable to live independently and continue to rely on you.

Help your child to learn to be more independent so that they can do things without the help of others and solve their own problems. You only need to monitor and support your child from behind the screen.
Source: WebMD
* ADHD = attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
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