ADHD has three main symptoms, ie the behavior of hyperactive, impulsive, and less able to focus attention (attention easily distracted). Boys usually have two first symptoms, while girls are more often experience symptoms third. Therefore, ADHD in females usually only known at the time the child is not able to start working on school assignments more complicated during the junior high school or secondary school (high school); or when the child began to experience depression.
However, many other diseases that also have the same symptoms with ADHD, such as dyslexia or other psychological disorders. This requires further examination by a physician to determine whether your child really have ADHD or not. Early diagnosis and treatment can help the child as soon as your child's life will be.
Hate to Go to School
If your child seems afraid or do not like to go to school, it can be one sign of ADHD. You may be able to ask your child what the cause they do not want to go to school and consult with your doctor.
Feeling Needy or Less Confident
If your child is often said that he is not able or not able to do anything right, it shows his confidence is lacking. It may be one of the signs of ADHD is more common in girls.
Impaired Social Interaction
This was apparent at the time your child has a friend or a difficulty to make friends. Children usually be dominant and bossy or even not get along at all because he felt he did not fit with the surrounding environment.
Difficulty Tasks
Usually your child really needs help in doing the task or require supervision to be able to concentrate on doing something.
Often taken to task Teachers in Schools
Usually you will often get reports from the teachers at your child's school that your child is often less paying attention in class, or homework, or attention easily distracted while working on a task.
(diverse sources)
* ADHD = attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
* ADHD = attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
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