Supposedly each of the family members took part in the family garden project. Sometimes this job turned into a project that you do yourself.
How can you better engage your kids to be a part of the project of making a family park?
Here are some ways that you can do to involve children or begin to teach your child how to gardening and loved it.
Focus on plants that can grow rapidly
Your children probably will not have enough patience to wait for the harvest to reap the rewards of their crops already planted, such as a large pumpkin plants. Your children will need instant satisfaction. Seinstan probably since they first planted seeds of their crops.
No matter what plants you want to plant in the beginning. Children will be very happy just by looking at the first leaves and stems that grow from seeds they planted. Vegetables can grow quickly.
Planting crops they like
Once your kids see the fruits or the results of their crops planted, they must be willing to taste the flavor of their crops. Plant a fruit or vegetable that you like family.
Gardening is more fun when the fruits of the harvest was delicious to eat.
Give your child a special place that would be a place for her gardening
You will instill a sense of pride and confidence to your children if they are given a special place to be theirs for gardening. It also will allow them to keep the maintenance of the garden if they can understand what they need to do.
Working with older children
Work will always be more fun if you do it with other people. Your children will be more willing to work in their gardens if they work together or accompanied by their parents and siblings. In addition you can also use this opportunity as a chance to talk about meaningful things with your children. They will be able to talk more about what is bothering them when their concentration focused on the activity they are doing.
Make Activities Gardening Together Family Fun Without There's Permanent Pressure
Do not be too ambitious in this activity. Start with small things first. Each person will be tired and not like this activity if you are making activities with family gardening is becoming a major project to be completed as soon as possible. You will always be able to add more space for gardening next year if you get your family can handle well and loved gardening project together this year.
"How to teach gardening skills to your kids"
Tiara work Auxier.