In 1971, Herbert Raiffe, a toy factory owner, had the intuition that the market demand will be shaped panda toy will be plentiful in the coming years. He listened to the voice of intuition and carry its messages. Raiffe then asked officials at the toy factory to produce a toy panda in large quantities. When US President Richard Nixon's visit to China and return from there took two toy panda as a souvenir, this toy market demand will suddenly soaring. But it was not a problem for Raiffe. He was ready to meet the surge in demand for toy panda is so fast it is. As a result, the company gain huge profits.
To understand the voice of intuition, we first look at the following examples:
(1) Thomas is the educated but unemployed and poor. He had a son and a wife who loved him very much. One night it occurred to her that their household economic problems will be solved when Thomas went to see one of his closest friends. So disampaikanlah it to her husband. Thomas also obey the words of his wife and her friend are planning to meet tomorrow morning.
When I was on the train, Thomas heard the "voice" that says, domestic problem will soon be solved. He felt so elated, excited, and happy. When finally met with his close friend, he also met with a guy friend's neighbor. The man was in need of an assistant in his office and it turns out Thomas qualifications as required. It's an incredible experience. Thomas offered a job and he accepted it with joy. Once Thomas returned home, his wife is equally excited because of economic difficulties his family will soon be over.
In the story "a voice whisper" occurs twice. First, the voice that encourages wife to ask her husband Thomas went to meet his friend. Second, the sound is heard Thomas that the issue will be resolved soon household. On both occasions it was the sound of bringing the family of Thomas leads to goodness.
(2) A girl named Dorothy was sent by his mother to take the parcel from one of his relatives. Dorothy was left before sunset. But not until half way, he felt the urge him to return home. He also followed the urge. When he arrived home, he knows that he is needed at home at the moment. Dorothy followed the voice guidance from within him that he was at home at the time of need, so that the difficulties that might occur unavoidable.
(3) One night in the winter a young man named Jacob had to go because of the urgent tasks to meet one of his colleagues. There are two alternative roads leading to the residence of his colleagues. He felt a strong urge to reach it by passing the longer route. He ignored the shorter route. Jacob listened to the voice and obey.
The night was dark. When the new Jacob take a few meters on the road, he stumbles something on the ground. Took the thing and he was surprised to see it under the lights the way. It turns out a wallet containing money. Jacob promptly report its findings to the police and take the wallet to them. Three months police waiting for the owner. Since no one had appeared, wallet was eventually returned to Jacob. Police advised, Jacob should take the money in the wallet once he found.
Jacob surprised by what he experienced. It has long been ailing wife. Doctors advised his wife to change the atmosphere. Then Jacob said to his wife that he was able to rent a house on the beach. His wife could stay there until healed. Because follow the voice from within her by choosing a longer route that night, Jacob can benefit their families and unable to meet the demand for healing her doctor.
If all three stories was examined, it appears that the "voice of intuition" exists in almost every person. Through an impressive voice message that tells us to take certain steps, which ultimately proved in accordance with our interests. This is the voice of intuition which is difficult to explain logically. There is no rational explanation of events like this, because the events it really beyond the reach of scientific experimentation.
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