There are several infections that can be transmitted through blood or saliva mixed with blood. The risk of transmission depends on the type of infection and how you are exposed to the infected blood.
Some infections that can be transmitted through blood, among others:
hepatitis B,
hepatitis C, and
blood contact with another person's blood saliva danger of contracting aidsDari above three diseases, hepatitis B is a disease that is most likely to be transmitted through the blood, whereas the most difficult HIV. These viruses can also be found in body fluids other than blood, such as semen, vaginal secretions and breast milk. Body fluids such as urine, saliva, and sweat has a very small risk of infection, unless mixed with blood. However, the presence of blood can not always be ascertained because it could have been someone infected unknowingly.
The highest risk of infection when the skin is punctured when there is contact with infected blood. For example, if you pierce the skin with a needle or other sharp instrument exposed to infected blood or when a person with blood in saliva bite and hurt your skin.
Low risk of infection occurs when the blood of the eyes, mouth, nose or skin that has been injured. For example, if someone spit in your face. The risk of infection is also low when the blood of certain skin lesions such as eczema.
Although the risk of infection is low, follow the steps below immediately after exposure to blood or saliva others:
*. Wash the blood or saliva from the skin with soap and running water
If the skin is injured, press to bleed and rinse with running water. Do not rub or suck the wound.
*. Wash the blood or saliva of the eyes with cold water in large quantities. If you wear contact lenses, remove it first.
*. When you clean your mouth, do not swallow the water.
*. When there is a high risk of infection, you may be given immunization against hepatitis B or hepatitis C antiviral drug for the prevention of HIV transmission while, you may be given medication in an effort to post-exposure prophylaxis within 72 hours after exposure.
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