One model theory recently disclosed scientists, that the universe may have existed forever without the Big Bang. This theory is based on the model that applies in the quantum correction to complete Einstein's theory of relativity. This theory explains the dark matter and dark energy, even by scientists would solve several problems at once about the mysteries of the universe.
This model avoids the singularity as the main difference between the classical and Geodesics Bohmian trajectory. Classical geodesics generally affect crisscrossed, and the meeting point is a singularity. Instead, Bohmian trajectory never cross each other so that the singularity does not appear in the equation. Scientists write up the results of this analysis in a paper, published in the journal Physics Letters B, they explain the Big Bang singularity can be overcome with a new hypothetical model in which the universe had no beginning and no end.

Since when the universe was created? Widely been predicted by general relativity models ranging from 13.8 billion years. At first, everything is thought to originate from an infinitely dense point or singularity. And this point begin to develop or called Big Bang which later evolved into the universe.
Although the Big Bang singularity arises directly and unavoidably from the mathematics of general relativity, some scientists consider it problematic, because the math just explain what happens after or before the singularity. According to Ahmed Ali Farag, scientists from Benha University - Zewail City of Science and Technology, the Big Bang singularity is the most serious problem in dealing with general relativity. Because the laws of physics appear to reveal the facts that occur when beginning it lasted.
In this case, quantum physicists emphasize the correction term does not apply 'Ad Hoc' which specifically can eliminate the singularity of the Big Bang. This analysis is based on the idea of a theoretical physicist, David Bohm, a figure which is known to contribute glittering philosophy of physics. Bohm had started his career since the 1950s where he replace Geodesics Classic with quantum trajectory, the shortest path between two points on a curved surface.
Although not a theory of quantum gravity, this theoretical model does not contain elements of both quantum theory and general relativity. Scientists expect the results of the analysis can be used on, even if the theory of quantum gravity has been formulated. Moreover, this hypothesis does not predict the Big Bang singularity, do not predict a major crisis in the singularity. In general relativity, one possibility that the universe began to shrink until the collapse itself in a major crisis and back into a solid point of infinity.
Cosmological explanation of this theory, that the quantum correction term is regarded as the cosmological constant and radiation, without the need for dark energy. These terms define the limited size of the universe and provide infinite age. This term predictions supporting observations cosmological constant and the density of the universe.
These models describe the universe contains a quantum fluid, according to scientists that this fluid may consist of Graviton, hypothetical massless particles that serve as a mediating force of gravity. If gravitons really exist, then these fluids play an important role in the theory of quantum gravity. Graviton can form a Bose-Einstein condensate at temperatures generated during the period of the universe.
Scientists apply for Bohmian trajectory equation developed in 1950 by physicist Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri of Presidency University-India. By using quantum equations that have been corrected Raychaudhuri, Ali and Saurya Das using quantum Friedmann equation. This analysis illustrates the expansion and evolution of the universe in the context of general relativity, including the Big Bang.
The physicists plan to analyze models of dark matter and dark energy in the future, including repeat this study with regard to the homogeneous and anisotropic disorder, but these minor annoyances berharapn will affect the results.
No Big Bang? Quantum Equation Predicts universe has no beginning, 09 February 2015, by the Phys org.
Journal Ref: Cosmology from the quantum potential. Physics Letters B Volume 741, 4 February 2015, Pages 276-279. DOI: 10.1016 / j.physletb.2014.12.057. arXiv: 1404.3093