Is the Earth's core is the deepest layer? Recently, a team of scientists of University of Illinois using new applications earthquake detection technology, they discovered that the earth's core has its own nucleus has different properties and reveal the mysteries of the planet Earth.
In this case, we see that the core unravel the mystery in the middle of the planet, although not as imagined novelist Jules Verne. During this time, the Earth's core once considered a solid iron ball-shaped, where the core has some structural properties of the complex. But a team of scientists found that the Earth's core in different, measuring about half the diameter of the earth's core. The research was led by Professor Xiaodong Song and Tao Wang, the results of this study published in the journal Nature Geoscience edition of February 9, 2015.
Earth's core is the innermost part of the solid spherical with a radius of about 1220 km. The length of the radius of the Earth's core in about 70 percent of the radius of the moon which consists of a mixture of iron and nickel, and the temperature inside is approximately equal to the Sun's surface temperature of about 5430 Celsius.
According to Song, although the deepest core of the Earth is found small, even smaller than a month, this core has some very interesting features. This core may be informed about how the planet formed and other dynamic processes that occur in the Earth's core. It is forming a new understanding of what is happening in the earth.
In this analysis, scientists use seismic waves of earthquakes to scan the deepest part. New technologies are used to collect data that is not derived from the initial shock of the earthquake, but of waves that resonate after the earthquake. Earthquakes generally works like a hammer pounding, the listener can listen to the tone that clearly resonates after knocking stopped. Then the seismic sensors collect coherent signals in seismic coda.
Smallest core Core Earth
While undergoing this test, coherent signal is enhanced with new technologies and the results more clearly. The basic idea of this method starts the time, and has been used in other studies on the surface of the Earth. But scientists test for menngungkap mystery that occurred in the center of the earth.
Iron crystals are in the outermost layer of the Earth's core in harmony and leads to the north and south. But the deepest core part crystalline iron starting point around the east and west.
Iron crystals in the inner core is not only different in alignment, core is also behave differently than other crystals that affect the outer and inner core. In other words, the inner core may be made of various types of crystals or different phases.
This analysis suggests that the Earth's core has two different areas and can inform you something about how the core develops. For example in history, in the Earth's core may have a very dramatic change in deformation. It may be responsible for determining the development of the planet and how the core is formed right down the center of the Earth.
Earth's surprise inside: Geologists unlock the mysteries of the planet's inner core, 09 February 2015, by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Journal ref; Equatorial anisotropy in the inner part of the Earth's inner core from the autocorrelation of earthquake coda. Nature Geoscience, February 9, 2015