Broccoli is usually able to last approximately one week. However, recognize some of the signs before buying broccoli to know if it is still suitable for consumption.
Broccoli is a green vegetable that is widely consumed as good nutrition for the body. These vegetables are suitable cooked anything, either eaten raw, steamed, fried, baked and even.
As reported by eHow, Wednesday (21/01/2015), here are some tips to recognize broccoli are still of good quality.
Smell the aroma
Place the broccoli in the near nose and inhale deeply. Might be a distinctive smell of broccoli. If the smell was pungent and unpleasant, it is better not to be consumed.
How to know it can also put broccoli in the fridge. Wait a moment, if it smells bad, spread, and sharp, it indicates broccoli that you buy is not fresh.
press stalk
Try hitting the broccoli stalk with two fingers. Broccoli is still of good quality, the stalk feels solid when pressed.
Fresh broccoli should be dark green. If it starts to turn yellow or green color fading, do not be consumed. Nutritional content is definitely reduced.
source: ehow.com
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