Baldness in men can affect anyone, including those who are still in their 20s. Whereas in previous generations, even men with 40s still have thick hair and not show signs of baldness.
Of baldness at a young age is a serious problem for the current generation. According to Dr. Fred Zuli, hair specialists from Sweden as quoted from Indiatimes on Tuesday (03/02/2015), premature baldness occurs due to four main factors: stress, bad habits, pollution and lack of nutrition.
Serious hair loss at a young age, according to Dr. Apoorva Shah, is because there is something wrong with the body or physical. "In reaction to physical or mental stress that extreme, the hair will fall out in the next few months," he said.
In addition to stress, lifestyle also plays an important role for hair loss. Less nutrition and smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages is some other cause.
So, how to prevent hair loss at a young age? Here's his review:
Eating right
Hair is composed of a protein called keratin. So it is very important for you to include elements of protein in the diet. Enough protein content, useful for the body such as to produce cells and grow hair. Dr. Shah advised to eat spinach, almonds, walnuts, tofu and milk are beneficial for hair growth. In addition, green tea is also good for blocking dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone that causes hair loss.
external treatment
Not only men, women also experience the same problem with her hair. In addition to stress, hair loss in women also occur because of excessive hair styling. Therefore, a skin moisturizer. Dr. Shah advised to apply coconut oil or almond oil 3 times a week.
Stop smoking and drinking alcohol
Carbon monoxide is produced when the smoke and into the body can prevent blood carries oxygen and nutrients to folokel locks of hair. Nicotine in cigarettes also narrow the blood vessels that can memberlambat new hair growth. Same with cigarettes, alcohol can also cause difficulty in the body to absorb important nutrients. Therefore, stop consuming alcohol and cigarettes are very good that the new hair growth is not impaired.
Give nutrition to the hair
Some substances that can prevent and treat hair loss at a young age is: Vitamin B3, B5, B9, and E, which can be found in oranges, spinach, chicken, fish, broccoli and soybeans. Then, another hair food is Zinc can be found in wheat, dairy, and egg yolks; Magnesium is found in milk, tuna, bananas and cashews; and Iron of fish, green vegetables, cereals, and nuts.
source: indiatimes.com