Perhaps you do not keep your husband that you want to get pregnant, then when the time arrives to tell the good news to your husband, you want to make it special.
Perhaps you do not keep your husband that you want to get pregnant, then when the time arrives to tell the good news to your husband, you want to make it special. Some people like to talk about it directly, while others like to make a surprise. There are a variety of ways to share the excitement, below are some of them:
Say directly
I remember the day when I learned that I was pregnant, just like yesterday. It was about seven o'clock in the morning of the New Year, I wake up and can not sleep anymore, so I decided, why not. I go and check and make sure that there are two pink lines. I do not even know what I did, after a long wait, I finally going to become a mother. I shouted, and ran and jumped to the top of the mattress. My tests show it in front of my husband's nose and he tried hard to find out what was going on. I still remember the joy on his face when woken in the morning of the New Year and was told that he would be a father.
Prepare special meals
One fun way to tell your husband that you are pregnant is to prepare "baby food" for him. You can cook a small carrot, and food according to the size of the baby. It's fun to tell the "secret" at dinner.
Give your husband a gift a father
A smart idea is to buy baby clothes with neutral colors that reads "I love my father." When she opened the gift will not be any misunderstanding about what you are trying to say to him.
Make it as a game
Create a crossword puzzle or a game of treasure hunt. Make a crossword puzzle with words associated with the baby (such as breastfeeding, pacifiers, blankets, diapers, etc.). Treasure hunting game can lead your husband into the room that you have set for baby room, or to place a gift a father.
Reforming the house so ready to welcome baby
Arrange the house according to the needs of the baby while your husband is at work (this should be done), when your husband came home he would ask why all has been made safe for the baby, and this is the right time to tell your husband that encouraging news .
Whatever way you choose to tell your husband that you are pregnant, be sure to record it and even take a picture so you can keep it in your baby's first book. This is an exciting time that you will never forget, and one day you can share it with your child.
"How to tell your husband you are pregnant" by Kelsie Stanfill.