Ideal body is a dream of every person, but certainly necessary effort to achieve it. Maybe you are tired of the various ways to increase your body muscles. For those of you who want to gain weight and muscle mass, there are some tips that you can do to make your body become athletic, contained and ideal.
Let us see what are the ways to form the ideal body.
1. The composition of the diet is not balanced
If your body is not getting bigger, it could be one of the reasons is that you do not consume food that is nutritious and balanced. To add weight and big muscles, then the composition of the recommended foods are foods that are high in calories. However, the food you eat should also have the right composition, which are foods with high protein content, contains enough carbohydrates, and fiber. Examples of foods high in protein are egg whites, chicken breast and salmon.
2. Sports irregular
Sport is a way to cause the muscles are stimulated to grow. With exercise, you will provide training on various muscles that are in the body to increase in size. If we talk about sports to increase muscle, the type of exercise that should be done is a weight-bearing exercise. You also have to see to it that your body is stimulated continuously with increasing load.
3. You do not have a target
Often you lost direction in doing the diet and exercise program. If you do not have a target, then you do not have a goal that you need to accomplish. Try to start measuring the food you eat, the weight and size of your muscles. By recording the amount of food and the amount of weight you use, then you will know your target next. Try measuring your muscle gain, the easiest example is the upper arm muscle size or biceps muscle. Is your biceps muscles grow in size every month or size is not changed. If the size is not changed, try reading again this article and find out which part of these tips that you did not do.
4. Do not have a coach
The coach knows the right way to build muscle. A coach can also observe you while doing certain movements and advise whether you are right or wrong movement. For those of you who just trained with weights, it's good to train with someone who has been trained and know the movement patterns needed to form the body.
5. Mental wrong
Mental will determine the outcome. If you already have the notion that a healthy lifestyle and exercise is not important, then you also will not have a healthy life. The right mindset will make you consistent in a healthy lifestyle, and ultimately will deliver optimal results.
Good Luck