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Pigment called bilirubin is a causative factor of baby yellow (jaundice) that must recognize and be aware. Actually, everyone has bilirubin in red blood cells. Every now and then the red blood cells will die and decompose them into the cells of bilirubin.
Normally the charge of outlining bilirubin is breathtaking, and then discharged through Chapter. When the baby is still in the womb, the heart of the mother who took the task of outlining the bilirubin in the baby's red blood cells. When a baby is born, his heart is not perfect for the development can not function properly. Result is a buildup of bilirubin which then cause yellowing of the skin baby.
Others are due to blood group incompatibility of mother and baby. Increased levels of bilirubin can be caused by excessive formation or the disruption expenses.
Jaundice in newborns can be a form of physiological and pathological. Which is pathological known as hyperbilirubinemia may lead to central nervous disorders or death.
Until now jaundice is still a problem in newborns, occurs sekitara 25% - 50% in infants born at term and even higher in infants born preterm. Examination of the presence of jaundice in young infants can be done at home and at the time of the visit of neonatal.
For inspection jaundiced at home is to bring a baby into the room that has a clear lighting or with fluorescent lamps. When the baby is classified as white skin, press your finger slowly-slowly to the forehead, chest, palms and soles of the feet. Then raise your hand and noticed there a tinge of yellow color on the baby's body is pressed earlier. When the baby's skin are all black, the most obvious can be researched on the gums or the white part of the eye area. While the examination in the clinic, the doctor will examine the child's health. Bilirubin levels had just moved on day 3 or 5 after birth. So whether your baby's bilirubin level is normal or not, the new note 3 or 5 days. To find out, needs to be done in the examination. Babies will take a little blood, usually at the end of the toe, then researched and examined in the laboratory.
It's important to know when jaundice arises, when disappears and the yellow part of the body to be seen. These three things must be known with certainty to classify jaundice correctly. In the case of blood group incompatibility of mother and baby, jaundice arising before the age of 3 days.
classification of jaundice
To classifies seen from the symptoms are:
Physiological jaundice (mild)
Yellow arise at age> 24 hours to <14 days
Yellow was not until the palms / soles
Physiological jaundice is harmless, handling dried baby every morning between the hours of 7-9 am over 30 - one hour. Increase the frequency of breast-feeding, a minimum of 8-12 times a day. When it is already quite breastfeeding, you should consider whether the baby really suck or just mengempeng alone. If there is a problem with breastfeeding perceived immediately consult a lactation clinic nearby. If symptoms still looked up to> 14 days immediately consult a physician.
Pathological jaundice (weight)
Yellow arise on the first day (<24 hours) after birth, or
Yellow discovered at the age of more than 14 days, or
Yellow to palms / soles of the feet, or
Pale stools
If not treated immediately, bilirubin levels continue to rise so that it can poison the brain, nerve damage that can cause defects such as deafness, stunted growth or cerebral palsy or can even cause death. If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above consult your baby's physician.