Getting Started When the Flood occurred:
1. Evacuation families to place higher
2. Turn off the electrical / power source
3. Secure your valuables and important documents to a safe place
4. Participate set up tents, kitchens manufacture general
5. Engage in aid distribution
6. Propose to set up a health post
7. Using water efficiently
Step After the Flood
1. Clean the residence and home environment
2. Pembrantasan mosquito (PSN)
3. Engage in kaporitisasi wells
4. Engage in improved latrines and sewerage (SPAL) Facing the flood:
5. At the time of the flood we should soon be possible to secure valuables to higher ground.
6. Turn off the flow of electricity in the home or contact PLN to cut the power in the areas affected by flooding.
7. Trying to flee to safer areas as early as possible while still allowing for a puddle in cross.
8. Avoid walking near sluran water to avoid flooding swept away.
9. If the water continues to escalate contact the institutions associated with disaster management.
Step Preventing flooding:
1. Dredge river / times and waterways that surround us, should not waiting for the government is doing, useless if ditungguin over time.
2. Make water catchment wells around our house
3. Make holes biopori
4. Widen and rehabilitate times / river, to increase the capacity of the river to accommodate the flow of water
5. Do not throw garbage in rivers or waterways.