When have you ever driving or wife or children or relatives complained of nausea, dizziness and bloating in the course? Chances are you and your loved ones experience motion sickness.
Motion sickness in the medical world called motion sickness is a condition in which a person feels dizzy, bloating, nausea and vomiting during travel. This occurs when there is a difference between the information received. the eye and the inner ear balance control point is located. This causes the brain to receive different information that can trigger feelings of dizziness, bloating, nausea and vomiting. It can be felt on the trip by land, sea or air.
In society, it is estimated that every 3 out of 10 people have a susceptibility to motion sickness. Women, pregnant women and children aged 3-12 years, including groups that are susceptible to motion sickness. So, how to handle it when you or your loved ones remain to travel drive?
Some tips and tricks that can be done to alleviate the symptoms of motion sickness is a business that deals with keeping eye and control of balance in the inner ear to remain in a stable condition. Tips and tricks are:
Try to keep the body and head movement kept to a minimum. Using a wedge neck or head pads can help keep your head does not move too much.
Make sure your eyes fixed on a stable object. Avoid reading tau play because it can make symptoms worse. Close your eyes can also help reduce symptoms.
Breathe fresh air. Open a window for fresh air or onto the deck will help reduce the symptoms. Avoid air that is too hot or too cold.
Relaxation. Listen to music or cool down with deep breathing techniques can also help.
Avoid eating too full or drink too much.
Stay calm and plan your trip from a long day so you avoid anxiety or frenzied journey too hasty and unplanned.
If you or a loved one belongs to a group of people who often experience severe motion sickness then you should take your medicine the doctor ordered. However, keep in mind that the absorption of drugs would not be good if you are already experiencing symptoms because when the digestive process is being disturbed. Make sure you are taking these medicines before starting the journey.
These drugs need to be taken in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. And, since most of these drugs usually cause drowsiness and foggy driving then they should not consume these drugs.
In addition to medicine, ginger can also be used to treat nausea and vomiting experienced. Various products ginger can be consumed to provide comfort and reduce symptoms.
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