Vestyles.com- Almost everyone must have enjoyed the instant noodles, especially the Indonesian as instant noodles is fast food most easily found anywhere, whether in urban or in the township. Can say that the instant noodle is food million people. In addition, an easy way of presenting the course of instant noodles are tasty and delicious food to be enjoyed in the moment there is no time to cook a large meal.
Although the instant noodles are a million people food, but eating instant noodles continuously so no obligation for the consumer especially in the timeframe that bergitu close. For example, in the first week in consumption is noodles every time. Of course it can disrupt the balance of the body in a healthy diet especially the fact that the instant noodles contain a lot of sodium and MSG that makes people much worry to consume instant noodles.
However, if you can consume well noodles and instant noodles to know how to be healthy, you can actually memanfatkannya to enjoy instant noodles without worrying. Here vestyles.com will give you 5 easy ways that you eat instant noodles into a food that is not dangerous so menjad healthier:
1. Reduce Instant Noodles Seasoning
The most mengkwatirkan consumers is due to seasoning in instant eg, as much as possible you reduce the use of seasoning in instant noodles that you create. You can use half of the existing seasoning or also you can use herbs that you created yourself.
2. Give balanced Nutrition
It is true that the instant noodles provide nutrients for our bodies, but the fact is that the intake of carbohydrates that cause nutritional imbalance that goes into our bodies. As much as possible you provide materials that can add to the nutritional value of instant noodles that you create such just like cabbage, carrots, tomatoes and others while you can also add meat, eggs and others as protein intake.
3. Do not Eat Raw-Raw Noodles
Surely you've enjoyed the noodles with the simplest way is to squeeze the noodles, and then give him seasoning in eating, or the term eating them raw. It certainly is not healthy, it can disrupt your digestive. So you have to process it according what the instructions on the packages of noodles there.
4. Do not add rice
Instant noodles are not satisfied when not in add rice? Well it could be like that. However, this can disrupt your health. Because Instant noodles are high in carbohydrates, if you add the rice which has a high carbohydrate also it will cause the body to have a high sugar content if done continuously.
5. Reduce Consumption Mie Intan
And in the end, you have to do is to reduce the amount of noodles in your life. You can eat noodles once a week, 2 weeks or 1 month for instant noodles is not a staple food that should be consumed daily, so eat noodles reasonable course.
That's 5 easy ways that instant noodles into a healthy meal in the lives of us. Hopefully you can be wise again in the consumption of instant noodles so good for your health.