How can parents ensure their children get a happy childhood without making purses parents suffer?
Good parents know that raising children is not just to feed and send them to school. Parents are also obliged to entertain children and ensure that they have a happy childhood. The task of entertaining children increasingly difficult and expensive lately with the rise of electronic and online games on the market. How can parents ensure their children get a happy childhood without making purses parents suffer? Here are some tips on entertaining children with limited budget:
Outdoor activities
There are many outdoor activities that will entertain children for hours and did not require a lot of money, among others:
Playing in the yard. If you are fortunate to have a yard, use as a children's playground. You can teach children how to play hide and seek, jump rope and Galasin. If you do not have a yard at home as most of the urban population, you can take the children to go to a nearby playing field and teach them to play kites or rounders.
Exploring the local park. When kids get bored with the garden that's it, invite them to other parks and have them pretend to be a critic of the park. The work of a critic is a garden find the advantages and disadvantages of a park, comparing it with other parks, and provide value to the park. Children can also make nominations garden, like a garden with children's games the most, the most extensive gardens, parks most clean, and so on.
Visiting a nearby swimming pool. Nearest pool can be as much fun with the water park which is much more expensive if you do a thorough preparation. Bring something to eat and drink enough, swimming tires, and water toys that children can have fun in the pool.
Every now and then prepare a lunch basket and drink fresh juices and invite the children go on a picnic in the nearby park or even in their own backyard. Do not forget to bring a folding mat so that your family can nap for a moment staring at the sky and the trees after a big lunch.
To the beach or lake. Encourage the children to the beach or lake in your city. For residents of Jakarta, you can go to Carita beach. For residents of Bogor, you can go to Situ Gede. Sometimes we underestimate the tourist attractions in the city itself. Find out what the water in your city tour. You might be surprised to see that a place as beautiful as it is located in your own city.
Museum tour. Most museums have admission price is very cheap and even free. Most museums are also not on the weekend, making it perfect for spending time with children, in addition to fun also educational.
Activities indoors
In addition to outdoors, here are some activities you can do to entertain children when it was raining or you just want to spend time at home alone:
Making hand skills, such as origami or finger puppet of patchwork.
Singing and dancing. It can be more exciting if the disc of children's songs played on television.
Cooking together. Teach children how to cook simple, such as helping to make fried rice or make a sponge cake. If your child is still very small, remind them not to play with fire or a knife.
Scientific experiments. You can teach children that science is very pleasant with a simple scientific experiment. No need to perform complex scientific experiments. You can experiment mixing water and oil, or find out if the eggs float or sink when put into water.
Board games. You can teach children how to play Monopoly or snakes and ladders. In addition there is a chess game for your teenager. Then there are a lot of card games are easy and fun, such as: poker, or dominoes.
Drawing and coloring. Make it more exciting drawing with challenging children to draw pictures of each other. You might be surprised at the talent and creativity of your children.
Reading books together. For many children, their fondest childhood memories is when they listen to the fairy tale of a father or mother reading a story together. Reading together to teach children to focus, listen carefully, patiently wait their turn, using imagination, and communicate well.