Pineapple, rough-skinned fruit is from Brazil and has the Latin name Ananas comosus. For the first try, may feel itching fresh on the tongue.
Myth says, pineapple is not good for women because it can cause vaginal discharge. In fact, there is no research that revealed about this. So, for the women do not have to worry, let alone apparently saved many benefits behind the myths circulating pineapple.
Here are the benefits of which may not have been known to many people:
1. Treating worms
How: Peel the pineapple and wash thoroughly. Then, grated pineapple flesh, then squeeze and strain results of the scars. Drinks water juice results to patients wormy little by little.
2. Treating sprains or bruises due to hit
It's easy, just stay alone drinking pineapple juice regularly.
3. Treating burns, itching, and ulcers
How: finely crushed pineapple peeled and cleaned, then smeared on the injured part.
4. Lose weight
Weight loss is a severe problem for women. Not infrequently woman sad sometimes even depression know weight gain. Apparently, pineapple can reduce weight.
Quite easy, pineapple is not too ripe shredded or juiced, then squeeze the juice or parutannya results with a clean cloth. Then, drinking water juice regularly, 2 times a day.
5. Eliminate dandruff
Not uncommon for people who complain because dandruff hair, as this can reduce a person's confidence. Pineapple juice and filter water that has been blended or grated can help reduce dandruff.
Only by adding lime juice, pineapple juice and lime can be directly rubbed on the scalp. Get used to do it 2-3 times a week, do it before going to bed, leave overnight.
6. Improving the quality of sperm
For the men who have not given offspring, can try to consume pineapple regularly, because the pineapple can improve sperm quality.
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