Encryption is one way to protect users' privacy from hackers. However, Prime Minister (PM) England, Donald Cameron actually prohibit the use of the encrypted message.
According to Cameron, the use of encryption is very good for maintaining the privacy of its users. But if a group of evil people can use the same service, so they can organize their evil with good.
That is the cause of the British prime minister recently backed a ban on encryption messaging applications, particularly when the shooting in Paris.
"Are we going to let the means of information can not be read?" He said. "No, we do not need," Cameron said in a discussion related shooting in Paris.
Meanwhile, Cameron did not make specific reference related applications. But most likely the intended application Cameron is WhatsApp, SnapChat, and other messaging applications that have recently introduced the encryption feature.
This is not the first time the government and law enforcement agencies have expressed frustration with the encryption. Not long ago, the FBI expressed their displeasure to Apple and Google are related to encryption. Similarly, as reported by Ubergizmo, Tuesday (13/01/2015).
source: ubergizmo.com
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