In a relationship, there must be certain things that make it durable. One of them is feeling nostalgic for the couple. Nostalgic and homesick is one of several romance seasoning required. Without a sense of longing, the relationship will be felt bland and flat.
But, of course there are certain things that make someone miss on to anyone else. Be it from the speech act, or else his attitudes. Well, if you want to be a girl who always longed partner, consider the following properties. Did you have it?
1. Attention
Noting things simple in a very helpful guy in a relationship. Given his birthday, was used. But if a girl remember birthdays parents guy, remember the guy should get a haircut, the other little things that remember a girl from her partner will make the girl is worth more.
Make porridge guy when he was sick, perhaps trivial to most people. But believe me, little things like that that will strengthen the relationship. In fact, the attitude of the attention that would make a guy merindunkan current partner must be far apart. Yes, men also like to be given more attention.
2. Adult and wise
Spoiled girl may look adorable. However, there are times when guys prefer girls who mature minded and wise. Especially when the man is in trouble and need advice. Mature girl attitude and help find a way out, would make the guy feel grateful to have it. And certainly, this is what will make him miss the girl.
3. Penyabar
Patient is a good trait. When someone is in a negative situation, patience is very helpful that the atmosphere is not getting worse. Well, now pay attention. Do cewekmu including patient? Is it when you're late coming directly rebuked or just do not get angry and waiting for an explanation from you?
Very difficult to relate to someone who is not patient. Imagine if your partner a little bit angry because you made a mistake. Believe me, nature impatient girl at all will not make it missed.
4. Simple
In the current era of the all the money, the simple nature has added value to the girl. Aware, in fact the person who likes to show off and not simple it shows he is not confident. He has flaws so he showed off something more than himself.
Ostentatious Personality will not make a guy feel at home with her partner. Instead tend uncomfortable. Never missed, bear with saaja already gratitude.
5. Save
Not much different from the above simple nature. Any guy who wants to materialistic girl? Because when he was married, the girl will spend his money for things that are not necessary. Be aware of the nature of this one.
6. Gentle
Meek does not mean indecisive. Personality a girl who is currently acting-horn and talk observe modesty, would make it look awesome in the eyes of a guy. Gentle Personality also easy to make the guy feel homesick him. Of course. Who can stand with the girl who spoke loudly and yelling?
7. Motherhood
Not much different from the above properties. Any guy who is not happy to see a girl who likes to play with small children, can hold the baby, or take care of a child? This is a better value for the girl. Especially if the guy was looking for a candidate's wife.
8. Willing to work hard and stoic suffering
It is one of the elusive nature of the girls today. Nowadays, most girls are already accustomed to living happy. Can not cook, can not clean the house is considered normal for most girls today.
However, realize that life is not always on top? There are difficult times, and that's when the girls who will work hard and stoic suffering should be maintained.
9. Keep yourself
Who would not love to have a beautiful couple? But look pretty does not mean indulgence in all the girls had not? A girl look beautiful but still keep himself in order not to appear excessive, will make it appreciated.
Surveys show that, to be a date, a guy you really like girls dressed sexy. But to be a mate, a guy would choose a girl who keep themselves and not excessive.