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Smartphone is a tool that should not be lacking in today's life. Although very practical, but he also can harm our health.
if you have a habit below, be careful - careful.
1. Accustomed to put next to the pillow Smartphone
Smartphone Radiation can damage the nervous system, so that we will easily headache, dizziness, hair loss, and insomnia.
2. Drape Smartphone in front of the chest
to prevent smartphone is lost, many people menggantugkan Smartphone in front of their chest. But the distance is too close to the heart. Not only bad for our hearts, but also affects our endrokin system disturbed.
3. Smartphone in the bag.
Waist is very close to our reproductive system. Cell phone radiation can kill sperm and ovaries, and will disrupt our reproductive system.
4. Browsing and read by smartphones in the long term, the radiation will cause eye cancer.
But do not worry, there are still events to overcome.
1. Radiation when the phone comes very large, this time do not bring the head.
2. At the time of sleep, do not place the Smartphone near you. Even if you turn it off, Smartphones still emit less radiation. So far as possible Smartphonemu place during sleep.
3. Do not call more than 1-2 hours, for transmitting radiation accumulates.
4. The amount of radiation when receiving a different phone, radiation emission when calling out larger than the receiving phone.
5. Do not use an ear piece weeks to call in a long time, preferably alternately.
6. Do not call when sinyalmu weak, because the radiation will be very strong to look for a signal.
7. Try to use earphones to call. Radiation will be reduced if you keep your smartphone as far as 30cm.
8. When your battery is weak, it is better not to accept the phone because of the emitted radiation is very strong.
9. Receive our phone charging is also very dangerous.
Use your phone precisely, to make life more useful.
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