It is important to know and understand what kind of skin you have. There are three different types of skin, ie oily skin, dry skin, and a combination of both. Therefore, knowing the type of skin is very necessary to deal with issues affecting the skin of your face.
For the owner of oily skin, the skin is very easy to get dirty. As a result, acne and other skin problems spate often occurs in this type of skin.
If you are one of the owners of oily skin, maybe you should try to avoid some habits are quoted from page Boldsky, Friday (02/06/2015):
1. Use of Cosmetics
Using a lot of make-up will only add one more problem oily skin. Make-up will block the oil in the skin. Use make-up at the time of need alone.
2. Wash your face too often
If you like to have oily skin, you should not wash your face too often because it will be more open pores.
3. The use of cream
Indeed, this depends on the product cream, but using excessive facial cream will still make the skin more oily. Using the cream in the long term will make the skin oily.
4. Skin Care Required
Glad using blush-on with a brush? Be careful because it can cause skin irritation. Extremely should also be noted, that the advantages of using facial products will actually make the skin oily.
5. One Product
You have to know your skin type before purchasing a beauty product. As an example, if you use a cleaning product for dry skin, it will make the skin more oily.
6. Clean Face
Within a day, the skin will be exposed to a variety of dirt and dust even at home. So keep clean face.
7. Food Oily
Eating greasy foods will only make the face more oily. The reason is quite simple because the oil content in the body increases.
8. Menstrual Cycle
Hormonal changes during menstruation will stimulate oil kelejar. This is the reason why the attack of acne during menstrual periods often occur.
9. Stress
When symptoms of perceived stress increases, then this will increase oil production from the oil glands.
10. Changes in Weather
The weather changes from warm to humid or otherwise will make skin oily. So, treat the skin in any of these conditions.
source: Boldsky.com
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