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Understanding the Digestive System Problems in Children and its Prevention

Digestive Disorders Children are often ill and lost weight? One reason is because of the health problems associated with the child's digestive system. Even digestive disorders in children will hinder the child's nutritional needs will result disruption of development of the child.

It is important to maintain a healthy digestive 70-80% due to the child's immune system and the formation of children is formed in the gastrointestinal tract. If the child has a disorder of the digestive absorption of nutrients is inhibited in addition risk of gastrointestinal dysfunction. For more wary of gastrointestinal disorders in children, this article will discuss the definition of gastrointestinal disorders in children, an important role in the child's digestion, precautions should be taken to keep children healthy digestion.

Understanding Indigestion in children
Often the child complained of pain in the abdomen?
This is one of the early sign of indigestion. Indigestion is called dyspepsia, a condition of discomfort in the abdomen. Although gastrointestinal disorders including commonly experienced by children or adults but symptoms should remain alert.
Children who experience indigestion will inhibit development of the child. This condition is due to digestive functions as the formation of the immune system, interfere with the absorption of nutrients and intelligence of children in case of nutritional imbalance due to inhibition of absorption of nutrients in the digestive process.
Digestive disorders in children due to incomplete digestive system or the consumption of foods and beverages that trigger digestive disorder. That is why children need time adjustment to be able to adapt to the food they consume. Indigestion can not be underestimated due to take place continuously and require medical care to avoid other health problems.

Important Role of digestion in children
Digestion in children has an important role, namely to establish the immune system. Children who have a healthy digestion will affect the health of children. By having a healthy health it would be optimal child development. In addition, children who have healthy digestion will affect the optimal nutritional needs.
Digestive system greatly affects the nutrients needed by the child, the child's digestive system is healthy it will be able to absorb nutrients from food and beverages consumed in accordance with the needs of the child's body when disturbed the nutritional needs of children stunted especially age 0-5 years included a golden period children.

Digestion also plays an important role in the intelligence of the child, these factors are associated with an unbalanced nutrient absorption so as to interfere with development of the child. Disruption of growth and development in children will have an impact on children's intelligence. The current development is a bright child is able to have two-way communication that is able to be supported by the ability of your brain. With a healthy digestive tract then make maximum employment and nutrients your body needs child optimally absorbed.

Prevention of gastrointestinal disorders in children
Prevent digestive disorders in children made since the child was born is to give milk ekskusif. Breast milk is the main food baby can provide immunity to the body and provide complete nutrition. Breast milk contains probiotics that can maintain the metabolic processes in the body, can protect the intestinal wall and boost immunity.

In addition to be able to help a good digestive system in children, it can be done since in the womb. Pregnant women are advised to consume foods that contain probiotics like yogurt consumption. With konsomi foods containing probiotics can balance the growth of good bacteria and help educate in maintaining good digestive health.

Indigestion is not good in children associated with the intake of food that is difficult in children. Thus, to assist you in completing all children's nutritional needs during that takes into account foodstuffs consumed. Generally, children just love the food alone, it makes nutrition hampered. Therefore, you can distract the child's interest so appetite increases. For example, by providing an attractive cutlery.

Digestive disorders in children
Digestive disorders in children vary, the following is a description of gastrointestinal disorders in children:
1. Impaired entire digestive system function

Disorders related to the child's digestive system or irritable bowel syndrome, causing constipation, abdominal pain, or diarrhea. Symptoms generally faced bowel changes. Children may be more frequent or more frequent constipation diarrhea. How to cope with children who have irritable bowel syndrome is to lay off food and beverages that trigger diarrhea / constipation in children. Some of the foods that should be stopped is that too much food containing seasoning, too salty, sour or too sweet.

2. Hipertroli pyloric stenosis
Children who experience hipertroli pyloric stenosis is a narrowing of the intestinal tract will have 12 fingers due to a thickening of the bowel wall muscle. It often occurs in children, namely vomiting while being breastfed. Specific symptoms in this medical disorder is vomiting that occurs in children aged 2-12 minggu.Adapun medical procedures performed when they are likely to experience significant health problems, namely by making an incision but do not cut the pylorus muscle to dilate the goal.

3. recurrent abdominal pain
Children often have recurrent abdominal pain and often found in children aged 3 years. The causes vary can be caused by social, psychological, and something that trigger stress in children. Symptoms that problems are recurrent abdominal pain, pain even three times or more during the three months and experience problems child's activity. How to cope with knowing the main cause in children and then consult with a child psychologist.

4. The upper gastrointestinal bleeding
If the child who is vomiting accompanied with fresh blood or black spots due to undergo gastric acid denaturation. Cause injury to the child and duodenal ulcers or varicose veins of the esophagus rupture. Symptoms experienced by the child has vomited blood and stool black exhaust.

In addition there are many other digestive disorders experienced by children such as reflux, diarrhea because infeki, colic, constipation, bloating or intolerance bacteria. How to overcome indigestion stretcher to consult with a doctor to get medication in accordance with the conditions of this anak.Hal caused can not be diagnosed only from the symptoms but had to perform a medical examination to help restore kesehatanpencernaan child's condition.

Healthy digestion in children will support optimal growth and development in children. So it needs nutrients the body needs are met, it is this which will help in maintaining the health of children, endurance and intelligence of children.

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