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Vaginal Discharge (Fluor Albus)

Fluor Albus is the liquid that comes out of the vagina. Fluor Albus can arise from a variety of circumstances, ie normal / physiological and pathological. Fluor Fluor Albus Albus physiologically normal is caused by hormonal changes, such as during menstruation, stress, pregnancy, and the use of contraception. While Fluor Fluor Albus Albus pathological is arising from certain medical conditions with the most common cause is due to parasitic infection / fungal / bacteria.

Normal vaginal discharge has characteristics include the clear white color, when attached to clothing in bright yellow color, consistency like mucus (dilute-thick) depending on the hormone cycle, odorless and does not cause complaints.

When the discharge from the vagina has become discolored (white milk, gray, to green), smelling, and with many other complaints (such as itching, burning, etc.) indicate that there has been Fluor Albus are generally caused due to abnormal tract infections reproduction by a variety of bacteria, fungi or parasites.

How to Fluor Albus you?
If you include Fluor Fluor Albus Albus abnormal then need to be treated because it can cause the spread of infection to the internal organs and should avoid sexual intercourse beforehand. Fluor Albus If you are experiencing is normal Fluor Albus, then you need to do is maintain the cleanliness of the vaginal area, namely:

· Often replacing panties when sweating or moist

· Avoid using tight pants made of material that does not absorb sweat

· If you want to use a panty liner choose which do not contain fragrances and is not used for more than 4-6 hours

· Avoid using cleaning products that can cause changes pubic acidity and balance of bacteria in the mother's pubic burrow

· If you want to rinse after urination, do it with a direction from front to back using a towel.

Please note that Fluor Albus could be a sexually transmitted infection. When caused by a sexually transmitted infection, then both you and your spouse (husband) should be treated as well in order to complete treatment.

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