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Heart health is important to note because the biggest cause of death in the world is coronary heart disease . Here are tips on how to keep your heart healthy .

1 . Adjusting diet
Try to eat more foods such as rice , vegetables ( green beans, spinach , etc. ) , fruits , fish , whole grains and yogurt .
Reduce intake of foods such as milk , cheese and nuts . Add garlic to your recipes .
Eating foods containing beta- carotene such as carrots , cabbage and tubers .
Reduce sodium intake , no more than 1 1/4 teaspoon salt in a day . Eating regular meals . Drinking enough water . Change the habit of drinking coffee to tea .

2 . Changing patterns and lifestyles
 -  Exercise regularly . At first selectable types of mild to moderate intensity exercise such as brisk walking ,
     or stationary bike is done for at least 30 minutes three to five times a week . Make it a habit to use the          stairs every want to go up to the higher floors .
  - Take advantage of every opportunity to perform physical activity . If you drive a motor vehicle ,
     try to park a little further away from your destination so that you get used to running .
  -  Do chores such as sweeping , mopping , cleaning the house in addition to your sport . Maintain your ideal      weight .
  - Stop smoking and avoid alcoholic beverages .
  - Adequate rest . Set a schedule of your daily activities to avoid stress .
  - Do exercises that are useful for reducing stress such as relaxation therapy , yoga and meditation .
     Lots of laughter is also a good medicine .
  - Check with your health on a regular basis .
  - Know history of heart disease and blood vessels in your family tree .

3. Perform periodic medical check- ups , including the monitoring of blood pressure and cholesterol
    your body .
4 . Take medications that have been prescribed by your doctor for
5 . Give and get affection from the people you care about

Thank you for reading the article How to Maintain Heart Health Heart Health how you , dear Begin now your heart .

Coronary Heart Disease

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