When confirmed pregnant, she will be very happy and will focus on prenatal care. However, it is also necessary to know the eight pregnancies this surprising fact.
Once a woman finds out that she is pregnant, the baby is the first priority. He surely will do every thing else with more, to ensure that it remains healthy for the sake of the unborn baby, and also ensures that he made certain lifestyle changes, so that the baby nutrition improves. There are some things that need to be in ketahu pregnancy and pregnancy here are eight facts are staggering.
Fact 1.
Pee baby in the womb
When a woman is pregnant about 4 months, the baby in the womb start to urinate at least one liter per day and the baby also drank his own urine.
Fact 2.
Walking pregnant women tend to enlarge.
Many women experience an increase in the size of their footwear during pregnancy, such as their feet tend to swell due to water retention.
Fact 3.
Uterus enlarges with age fetuses
Rahim originally size of a small peach fruit, but during the conception phase and then inflate around the size of a watermelon.
Fact 4.
In the womb, babies develop fingerprints
A baby in the womb develop all fingerprints within 9-12 weeks of conception.
Fact # 5.
The placenta produces estrogen that is equal to the number of non-pregnant women.
During late pregnancy, the placenta produces the hormone estrogen as a hormone produced by pregnant women not in three years.
Fact # 6.
Many studies have documented some of the baby in the womb through an unexpected action, such as sucking their thumbs, smiling, even masturbation!
Fact # 7.
Skin changes during pregnancy due to hormonal.
9 out of 10 women saw a drastic change in the color of their skin during pregnancy, caused by hormonal fluctuations.
Fact # 8.
A baby crying in the womb
It was also noted that some of the crying baby in the womb, about 6 months after conception. However, they can not be heard because of all fluids and uterine tissue around it.