We've all felt the flatulence. Bloated feeling uncomfortable is not only the body but can also be considered to spoil the mood.
Why bloating can occur?
Bloated feeling is a natural process during digestion, which is triggered by the accumulation of fluid and gas production in the body. Bloating are not necessarily caused by the production of too much gas, but also how the body processes the gas.
Bloated state can be reduced by choosing the right foods and lifestyle changes. Here are some foods that can prevent bloating.
1. Rice
Some types of carbohydrates can be digested well by the digestive system and some types of carbohydrates can be digested only partially. Well, that can only partially digested This can make bloating. According to the American College of Gastroenterology, the type of carbohydrates such as rice can be fully digested in the small intestine, so it does not have the potential to cause bloating.
2. Banana (Potassium)
Bloating is not always caused by excess gas. Consumption of high amounts of salt can be a trigger. Many foods are now on sale at the supermarket or restaurant that contains a lot of salt, which can be interesting salt water and keep water in the body. Potassium on the other hand, can counteract the effects of salt. Well, bananas are rich in potassium. Maintaining a balance of potassium and salt can maintain water balance so prevent bloating. For example if you feel bloated after eating salty dinner, try the banana consumption thereafter to maintain balance.
3. Yogurt (probiotics)
Yogurt right is containing Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium (good bacteria). This will keep the good bacteria digestion and prevent bloating. The best yogurt is plain and does not contain fat, if you want to get a sweet taste, avoid the use of sugar in your yogurt, you should try to be combined with fruits.
4. Peppermint Peppermint Herbal Tea or Tea
Researchers from Nerve-Gut Research Laboratory found that peppermint can activate pathways 'anti-pain' in the stomach and relieve inflammation. To relieve bloating quickly try peppermint tea consumption that can soothe the digestive tract.
5. Cucumber (natural diuretic)
If you bloated, cucumber has a natural effect to flatten the stomach. Cucumbers contain a high water and low in fiber that increase urination, which will automatically make you lose weight easily.
6. Papaya
A 2009 study showed that raw papaya contain white sap, called papain which makes the fruit of this kind become effective laxative.
Remember, that the bloating that appears occasionally is normal and can be prevented by consuming foods above, but when bloating become more severe, consult a doctor