Lung cancer may not cause any symptoms in its early stages. Approximately 40% of new lung cancer patients know that they are suffering from lung cancer after the disease reaches an advanced stage. Listed below are some of the symptoms of lung cancer that needs to be watched.
1. A cough that does not go away
Cough caused by a cold or respiratory infection usually resolves within 1-2 weeks. However, if you do not cough goes away, then this may be a symptom of lung cancer. Therefore, immediately call your doctor if your cough does not go away.
2. Changes in the pattern of cough
Consider whether there is a change in your cough, especially if you are a smoker. If you feel that you become more frequent cough or make your voice becomes hoarse or cough with blood or mucus more than usual; then you should immediately consult your nearest doctor.
3. Shortness of Breath
Shortness of breath or easily out of breath also can be one of the symptoms of lung cancer. These symptoms usually occurs when the cancer has impeded or made airways become narrower or due to the presence of fluid in the chest due to a tumor. If you experience shortness of breath or easily out of breath after doing a physical activity that is usually easily can you do, then immediately consult a doctor.
4. Chest Pain
Lung cancer may cause pain in the chest, shoulder, or back. The pain may also be associated with cough. The chest pain may be caused by enlarged lymph nodes or metastasis (the spread) of cancer cells into the chest wall, pleura (lining of the lung), or ribs.
5. Wheezing
When the airway is blocked or inflamed, it will sound like wheezing or whistle sound when you breathe. In addition to lung cancer, wheezing could be caused by a variety of other health problems that can be treated.
6. Transformed into Hoarse Voice
If you feel your voice changed or if others say that your voice sounds deeper, rough, or hoarse; then immediately contact your doctor, especially if this sound change has been going on for more than 2 weeks. Voice of lung cancer patients may be hoarse because the tumor was about the laryngeal nerves that regulate or vocal cords.
7. Lose Weight Without Cause Clear
If you experience a weight loss of up to 5 kg or more without an obvious cause, then this may be a symptom of lung cancer or other cancers. Weight loss can occur because the cancer cells use the energy in the body or as a result of changes in the way the body uses energy obtained through food.
8. Bone Pain
Lung cancer that has spread to the bone can cause pain in the back or other body areas. This pain usually gets worse at night while you're sleeping on your back. In addition, lung cancer can also cause shoulder pain, arm pain, or neck pain although less frequently.
9. Headache
The headache can be a sign that lung cancer has reached the brain or because the tumor was pressing the large blood vessel that is superior vena cava.
To help detect the presence of lung cancer cells as early as possible, it is recommended that every person at high risk for a chest X-ray examination or CT scan of the chest. People who include a high risk of lung cancer are:
Smoked 30 packs or more per year
55-79 years old
Have been smoking for 15 years