Root process or 'liberation' Android operating system access for some people is absolutely necessary to maximize the performance potential of the smartphone. However, not all users want their smartphones to be rooted.
Various weaknesses rooting like smartphones total death, vulnerability to viruses, to the loss of the warranty becomes a nightmare.
For those of you who belonged to users who do not want their smartphones in-the root, there are a few simple tips and tricks that can be used to improve the performance of the smartphone.
Although optimization can not be equivalent to rooting, the following tricks worth a try at home.
1. Restart (restart) periodically smartphones
This method can make the rest of the data cache or online activities deleted applications. Smartphone which has been revived rather fast and easy no lag, even if you install a lot of applications.
2. Do not install a lot of applications
After buying a smartphone, you should see the limits of the specification that carries a smartphone. That way you can know the number of ideal applications or activities that could be run by a smartphone.
Remember to give the load on smartphone makes getting down performance.
3. Always update the Android OS
Diligently update the Android OS or ROM supplied by the manufacturer. Update OS and Android ROM will usually give a lot of updates that make the performance better and stable smartphone.
4. Avoid install too many applications
The more applications you install, automatically there will be a lot of memory to be used and eventually make smartphones more slowly. Therefore, always install the application that you really need.
5. Remove the application regularly
Over time, there are applications in smartphones we do not need. Well, rather than add to the application that led to the decline of performance, better remove unused applications and replace them with new ones.
6. Turn off the application
If you are not willing to remove applications that are rarely used, you can take a shortcut others to keep improving the performance of smartphones, namely by turning off or disabling the application.
This step can you do in the 'Applications' in the settings menu. Disable or 'stop' does not delete it, but turn it off for a while.
7. Immediately update application
Routinely, developers of Android applications will certainly publish updates or updates to applications made by them in Google Play. Although the update notification was frustrating sometimes, it's better you do not ignore the notice.
Routine update the application may fix system errors or bugs in the application. Some even provide new features that can boost the performance of the smartphone.
good luck
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