hair curly care -
Too often having a bad hair day because the curls 'explode'?
Got a curly or frizzy hair, especially dry and expands it more often annoy rather than proud. Because this type of hair unruly.
It could be that you have to stick with a comb in front of the mirror for a full hour just to get the hairstyle that at least 'inappropriate' is seen.
Want your curly hair more manageable? Try care of your curls with 5 natural ingredients that are inexpensive but effective recommendations following the Style Craze.
1. Eggs
Eggs contain protein and nutrients that can coat the hair shaft and make it softer. Mix the fruit fresh egg with a tablespoon and two tablespoons of olive oil.
Apply to hair and let sit for 1 hour. After that, rinse the hair with water until clean.
2. Avocado
Avocado oil contains natural moisturizers and nutrients potent as natural hair conditioner and mask.
Blend the avocado flesh (of a ripe avocado fruit), then mix with two tablespoons of plain yogurt.
Apply to hair and let sit for 1 hour. After that, rinse the hair with water until clean.
3. Aloe vera
Aloe vera or aloe vera can make hair soft and shiny. Use fresh aloe vera sap for a hair mask once a week. Once applied, let stand for 15 minutes. After that rinse clean.
4. Flower shoes
Hibiscus contains natural nutrients which are suitable for 'tame' your wild hair. Simply prepare the four petals of hibiscus. mash until smooth and mix with water.
Apply to hair and let sit for 20 minutes. After that, rinse hair with warm water. Do this treatment twice a week.
5. Apple cider vinegar
The acidic nature of cider vinegar is used to balance the pH of the scalp and hair shaft. Thus, the hair will not be too dry and fluffy.
Use apple cider vinegar to rinse after shampooing twice a month. Combine apple cider vinegar and water with the same ratio. Pour into the hair, then let stand for 5 minutes before rinsing.
That's five natural ingredients that can be used to 'conquer' your curly hair. Please try.