Vitamin E is believed to help maintain the natural beauty. Therefore, no wonder if many people take vitamin E, either in the form of supplements or foods containing vitamin E.
Vitamin E is able to maintain healthy skin and skin look radiant. However, it seems that vitamin E not only to nourish the skin, but also as an important antioxidant for the body, which is to ward off free radicals and also protect the body from cell damage. In addition, vitamin E also plays a role in maintaining eye health and resistance to disease.
Although, vitamin E can help maintain the body's defenses, does not mean vitamin E can prevent various diseases. Not a few people think that vitamin E can prevent cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer's and others.
In fact, the benefits of vitamin E will be seen directly on those who are deficient in vitamin E, which is a very rare condition. Excessive dieting is one of the conditions that allow a person deficient in vitamin E.
However, it is important to know that in taking them every day, vitamin E has different safety levels for each age group. In children aged 1-4 years, the amount of vitamin E that is allowed is in the range of 6-7 mg / day or 9-10.4 IU. While in children older age, consumption of vitamin E with a dose of 11 mg / day. For women and men (aged 14 years and older) and pregnant women, the amount of vitamin E needed each day is 15 mg.
Properties of vitamin E can absorb the fat and make it more leverage when consumed with food. As for the source of natural vitamin E, can be obtained from vegetable oils, leafy vegetables such as spinach, fortified cereals that have vitamin E, eggs, and nuts as the best source of vitamin E.
Vitamin E also can not be consumed in excessive portion and the long term, because it can cause the risk of disease, such as nausea, headache, bleeding, fatigue, and even kidney failure. Therefore, must be balanced by eating healthy foods, such as fruits, vegetables and grains, and do not forget to do regular exercise to keep the body healthy and fit.
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