Not only woman who has a secret that is hidden from the man, the man also has a hidden secret of women. If a woman called mysterious creature, there is also a similar term for men, which is being cool or cold. Personality of men and women are very different so have a different nickname. If women tend to use feelings than logic in the act, the man opposite. Men more likely to use logic to first after a new listening hearts content or feelings. Very rare to find men who are sensitive and sensitive in terms of feeling, because most men are more assertive in their actions and do not like women. But behind the cool figure, he holds many secrets about her that is hidden from the woman or her partner.
What are the secret? Following this presentation!
1. Men always want to look strong or tough
Many people believe he does not deserve to cry. If men often cry means he was whiny or as a woman, so rarely found in men whiny. Yet each man one man also has a fragile side, but many men hide it. Despite the alarming situation such as family problems or lose, he looks strong from the outside, is actually far in his heart he was too fragile.
2. Men secretly always pay attention to their partner
Although different from the women, who tend to be aggressive always ask and want to know all about her partner, most men are not so. But make no mistake, in all respects a man secretly watching you. Men will comment when he needs to comment, as long as you are safe on his watch, he will be silent, watching you.
3. Men do not like to protest
Men tend to feel better to know in every decision he wanted to do, though sometimes they are not always correct decision would result good or bad. As a wife, when knowing her husband choose the wrong decisions, sometimes we will immediately protest and prohibit husband without giving an explanation first. When in fact, men prefer to be input rather than protest.
4. Men do not like women nag
The wife, if you feel too much talking or nag you should reduce the habit. Men did not really like women who nag. Men prefer if the partner is active but not much to say.
5. Men do not like to be tamed
Once married women always felt that his life was his partner, so sometimes women tend to be more overprotective of her partner. This should not do because it will make mutual trust you to be reduced, and your partner will be uncomfortable because they feel imprisoned in the household.
6. Men express their feelings through actions not words
Many women like to gombalan of partner, but not all smart man menggombal. Many men after marriage it's not too romantic in words to praise his partner. But after married men are more romantic through action, for example, he kissed your forehead, hug you, than he should say, "You are my soul mate" and so on.
7. Men always want to hear her partner
After married men tend to want to be appreciated. You should realize, after a married man is the head of your household. Men have a great responsibility to guide you towards a future full of happiness. But behind every action, man always wants her partner to hear every word. Listen to your partner so that he's always able to feel appreciated and can guide you well in the household.
8. Men are more difficult to forgive
In the household even though he is not too much talking, but men really do not like being lied to. Men are very quick to anger when being lied to, even though it is a small thing. In contrast to women who are easy to forgive when his partner persuade or seduce him, he will not be that easy to forgive the mistakes of his partner because he would think that using logic first, then if he was a bit quiet recently using his feelings. So it's useless if you seduce a man when he's angry because he needed time to clear his feelings first.
If you want your partner the more love you, learn to understand his attitude.