Fainting or in medical science called syncope was defined as symptoms of sudden loss of consciousness and temporary because the brain is not getting enough oxygen.
The brain has several sections, including the two hemispheres of the brain, the cerebellum and brain stem. The brain needs blood flow to supply oxygen and glucose to the cells of the body. If it is disturbed, such as insufficient oxygen intake, it will pingsanpun could happen.
The symptoms will pass out:
Blurred vision.
tingling sensation in the body.
Fainting is triggered by the reaction of the vagus nerve that connects the brain to the digestive system and play a role managing blood flow to the brain and gut.
Over stimulation of the vagus nerve is going to slow the heart rate and lowers blood pressure, thereby reducing the blood supply to the brain and cause fainting.
While the vagus nerve stimulator is:
Severe stress.
The pain is strong.
(various source)
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