Besides can trigger heart disease and cholesterol, it turns out the man who often eat fried foods high bersiko faster senile.
As it is known if fried at high risk of triggering cholesterol and heart disease. But apparently recently dketahui trans fat content in fried risk changing the memory function of the human brain.
The latest facts related to a research conducted on 1,000 adults, with 700 of them are men aged 20 years and over. As a result, the man who likes to consume trans fats decreased memory function, especially in men of reproductive age.
"Trans fats are found clearly can worsen memory in young men until middle age, working-age and career formative years ie aged 10 to 45 years," said the researcher, Beatrice A Golomb of the University of California at San Diego, as quoted FoxNews.
In this study researchers looked at the participants' memory functions using the card memory tests. There are more than 100 cards, each containing one word.
Every excess of 1 gram of trans fat consumed every day, these men has decreased considering the average number of words 0.76 words. Scientists expect that the effects of trans fats can increase oxidative stress and affect the energy reserves in the cell.
Oxidative stress is also associated with heart disease and blood vessels. In contrast, antioxidant-rich foods such as chocolate can make the brain function more awake.
source: foxnews.com