Grief enveloped the world airline industry on Sunday morning, December 28, 2014 last. AirAsia plane QZ8501 Surabaya-Singapore route crashed in waters Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan.
A total of 162 people were victims of AirAsia QZ8501 consisting of crew and passengers that the majority of Indonesian citizens. Even today, the bodies had been found and evacuated from the sea only amounted to 77 bodies.
In order to reveal the exact cause of the crash is AirAsia QZ8501, investigation teams require a black box or black box. Finally, on day 15 searches on January 11 last, the black box was found by Basarnas.
The black box is then submitted to the National Transportation Safety Committee (NTSC) for analysis. In the black box, the NTSC was able to analyze the data flight data recorder, cockpit conversation recording, and recording conversations pilots with air traffic controllers (ATC).
Well, consider the following facts from the analysis of the black box AirAsia QZ8501 reported by the NTSC
1. Co-Pilot Flown, not Captain Pilot
At the time of the tragedy, QZ8501 AirAsia aircraft flown by the co-pilot Emmanuel Remi Plesel, while Captain Iryanto watching. It is not contrary to the aviation world as permissible under the Act.
"Second in command, the co-pilot who sits on the right, then he was the one who flew the plane. The captain pilot who sits on the left, he was a pilot monitoring," said Chairman and against AirAsia QZ8501 investigation team.
2. Up to 37 Thousand Feet Altitude Before Falling
QZ8501 AirAsia plane rose to an altitude of 37 thousand feet of altitude before at 32 thousand feet. Then after it crashed.
"The plane rose from 32 thousand to 37 thousand feet feet for about 30 seconds. Approximately runs it slowly down and so on, down slowly for about 3 minutes 20 seconds until the tape is not heard from again," said the investigation team members AirAsia QZ8501 Captain Ertata Lananggalih.
3. Alarm Alarm Turns 4 Minutes
Stall Warning alarm or fire alarm was automatically turns on for 4 minutes when QZ8501 AirAsia plane ride from a height of 32 thousand feet to 37 thousand feet.
"This tool (stall warning) automatically turns on. When the slope of the muzzle is too high, then the lift will be less, but do not be concluded first stall," said Chairman and against AirAsia QZ8501 investigation team.
However, and against adding that there will be more in-depth investigation whether QZ8501 experienced stall (loss of lift) or not. Everything will be included in the final report later.